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just got home from work and was looking forward to get some game time. hope its comming back up soon:/




Worked night shift yesterday and woke up 14:30 trying to log in, "estimated wait time 1 hour 30 minutes", I got in 17:50. 10 minutes before I had to go to work again -.-

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Some guilds there should seriously consider to relocate, it's no good putting half of scandinavia in one place.




Haha, well.. Most of us DO know English.. I think.. I guess.. Or rather hope.


Seen alot of swedes and norwegians speaking their native tongues in General, shame on you.


:( As someone mentioned above, It probably took an arrow to the knee.


But yeah, kinda odd that there was no warning (assuming this is maintenace, could ofc be a server crash aswell :p)


ah well, time to make some coffé and stuffz


No maintenance is scheduled, so it's an error.

Edited by RowBan
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What? I thought the maintenance was done with already.


Well the bright people at Bioware dont know how time difference work.


It said December 19. 6 PM CST. Now we people here in Europe. We are about 7 hours a head of them.. So 6 Pm CST on December 19th would be 1 AM on December 20th for us.


But I guess it was too hard for them to calculate that out.


I too thought it was last night but nope, its tonight

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Haha, well.. Most of us DO know English.. I think.. I guess.. Or rather hope.


Seen alot of swedes and norwegians speaking their native tongues in General, shame on you.




No maintenance is scheduled, so it's an error.



Yeah i tend to get annoyed when Nordic ppl just chat about in General, in there native tongue (Swede here), just gives everyone else a bad rep:/


Same goes for anyone chatting in there native tongue unless it's English (on an English server) :p

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Yeah i tend to get annoyed when Nordic ppl just chat about in General, in there native tongue (Swede here), just gives everyone else a bad rep:/


Same goes for anyone chatting in there native tongue unless it's English (on an English server) :p


Totally agree, I'm from Sweden as well but I do have the courtesy to speak the servers original language.


And to all the ********es out there, just because a server is heavy swedish populated does not mean that the servers official language automatically turns from English to Swedish.



Most of these scandinavians seem to have no respect and/or they are internet though guys who would say nothing but sorry sorry sorry sorry will never happen again if it was something irl

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Guys use your brains for a sec please.

The server crashed due to the high amount of players that are on it 24/7.

Theres a point where servers just cant take no more.


"Tha' servers, Cap'n. They cannae take no more!"


"Not good enough, Scotty. We need more uptime!"


"We're in the wrong IP anyway, sir!"


"Oh. That's a bit trickier."


Gym "Maybe if they get Chewie to bang on the bladeserver with a wrench?" Quirk

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