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Tracer Missile: PvP Help


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What is the standard rotation for a lvl 25+ arsenal merc?

I just keep seeing idiots spam TM like there's no tomorrow and QQ'ing about heat management, and I don't want to join those idiots considering I just came back.

Any tips on rotations that Do not involve spamming TM's?

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I disagree about Pyro being better damage. Most people who play Arsenal or Gunnery just don't seem creative enough to rely on other attacks than Tracer Missile.


But for Arsenal, you want to use your Explosive Dart when you can, Unload (especially when Barrage finishes the cooldown on it), Rocket Punch when within 5 meters, and save your Rail Shot until you have 4 or 5 heat signatures on the target. Fusion Missile is also a great way to open on the target, since it's a longish cast and more often than not they won't notice the extra damage ticking away after you go into your rotation.


My rotation for those levels went something like this:

(And make sure you have the 1-second queue for abilities)


Open with Tracer or Fusion Missile

  • Queue up Unload

Tracer Missile

  • Queue up Explosive Dart or Rapid Fire

Tracer Missile

  • Queue up Explosive Dart or Rapid Fire

Tracer Missile

  • Queue up Rail Shot


Admittedly, it looks like you're going balls-to-the-wall spamming Tracer Missile when you look at the list. But as the workhorse of your build (for right now), you'll need to work it in no matter how you look at it. Avoid Power Shot because it generates the same amount of heat, deals slightly less damage, and doesn't affect the damage of Rail Shot (or later, Heatseekers).


As you level more and put more points into Arsenal, your Unload will really be the backbone of the build. Tracer Missile will finish the cooldown on Unload and will increase the damage dealt by 25% (IN ADDITION to the other abilities that increase it by 33%, increase armor penetration by 30%, slow targets, etc.)


At lower levels, heat management is a bigger issue than at higher levels, when you not only vent 8 heat on a critical attack, but you have access to Thermal Sensor Overrides (and sometimes, enhanced Vent Heat, depending on where you put your points.) If your heat generation is the biggest concern, queue up your regular blaster fire right after any cast attack. The global cooldown will cause a half second pause after each attack, but in a sense it will make it so that Tracer Missile + Rapid Shots is one attack.


Hope this was helpful.

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A rotation for PVP is almost pointless. what ever is off CD just use it.. if your staying at range then yes TM is your big hit but its so hard to stay back in PVP.


Tips for Merc in PVP is, take the high ground, in hutt ball you should own the top platforms with 2 knock backs (speced)

Kite walls, pillars or what ever is around to break LOS and stop some peoples casting.

Ive found using a rotation is pointless in PVP, i DONT use 1 i just play smart, i end up in the top 3 for DPS 99% of the time coz i play smart.

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To all those who responded, the OP is talking about level 25+ PvP. No Unload Proc, no HSM, at best you have Tracer Lock and Terminal Velocity.


Only way you're going to be doing any damage is by spamming TM and using RS at 5 stacks of TL. I wasn't going to post this at all since you're looking for a non TM spam Arsenal spec, which doesn't exist.

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