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What's wrongs with my merc?


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I have a level 47 merc, I loved leveling him and going thru the story, Only problem is, is that he feels very bad now. Ive been questing thru voss and almost die on regular pulls. I'm heal specced with mostly orange gear the is modded to my correct stats, I use blizz as a comp and he almost dies every pull as well, he is also in very good gear. Am i doing something wrong? It just feels not fun to play my merc anymore!
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I have a level 47 merc, I loved leveling him and going thru the story, Only problem is, is that he feels very bad now. Ive been questing thru voss and almost die on regular pulls. I'm heal specced with mostly orange gear the is modded to my correct stats, I use blizz as a comp and he almost dies every pull as well, he is also in very good gear. Am i doing something wrong? It just feels not fun to play my merc anymore!


Sounds like lag spikes or ability delays, if you were just doing fine there until recently, still happens a lot in the Blackhole dailies area. I can't believe they still haven't fixed that. :confused:

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It's called scaled difficulty. There's just not as much distance between your level and the level of the enemies you're fighting. Challenge increases as you gain levels.



I'm level 47 voss starts around level 45, On my other toons like my sorc and my trooper went thru fine at those levels. MY merc feels very weak and squishy.

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Sounds like lag spikes or ability delays, if you were just doing fine there until recently, still happens a lot in the Blackhole dailies area. I can't believe they still haven't fixed that. :confused:


Not really.

I actually encountered the exact same thing on Voss due to level scaling.


You hit voss just a level or 2 below the "Minimum expected" and you find it really difficult due to multiple mob pulls on some classes.

I ended up having to do literally all the quests on planets just to pass my Class Quests.


And im still yet to find these blackhole lag spikes :(

Never once in all my game have i experienced lag spikes except on the fleet now and again.

I dont usually hear people complaining in the game at the blackhole areas either...

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Ha, glad I'm not the only one. I had problems with my commando dps on Voss but I figured that it had to do with how I personally approached it:

*Had not played on a commando/merc for a good 4 months. Dropped it around lvl 43 and did not return until I figured I could level it to 50 for the sake of legacy/completion.

*So different and immobile compared to the sorc/sage I usually play. Had no idea how to play the commando when I got back to it.

* Was wearing 20 levels old gear and couldnt replace most of it since the server was dead and the GTN empty.


That said, I've heard from others that Voss is a bit unbalanced compared to other planets. I had never thought of it that way on my other chars though.


So I'm starting on Voss as DPS and it's going nowhere. Sure, I can beat the majority of things but it's by the straw and a very slow process. I finally gave up on some elite and decided to re-spec (which you apparently already are) as healer. That made it managable but still significally slower than on force user chars.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Seem to recall I had some issues with voss too. Helps to overgear for it if possible (purple gear) and be careful with your pulls. Use concussion missle when appropriate and use your legacy cooldowns (if you have any)
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use torian when geared his dps is great


Torian is great at 50 but considering hes having issues with survivability dont think thats a good option for him. Might try mako with arsenal spec. Pretty sure thats how I leveled. Voss was difficult but not impossible.

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