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gunslinger sotf caps


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ok i got a few questions about the soft caps for the gunslinger.


to start im a lvl 50 gunslinger and i use the sharpshooter tree. current crit rate is ~39%, surge is ~74%, accuracy ~101%


ever sense i have learned what a soft cap is i have been searching for an answer. many forums vary on the caps but im hoping someone may be able to help me out.


1). i have heard the crit soft cap is about 30% or 35%. what value is closer and is that before or after class buffs? (example: i got +9% crit rate from class buff and perks so i got 30% before buffs and 39% after)


2) i have heard the surge soft cap is somewhere around 70-75%, is this accurate?


3). some people say after 100% accuracy there is not a significant point to put more into accuracy, is that true?


4). after a person has reached the soft caps in crit, surge and accuracy they should invest in power over cunning because one point of power will boost damage more than one point of cunning.


i hope someone can shed some light on this for me.


thank you.

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Hello :)


Your stats seems just perfect as you list them now.


1. Your crit rating seems fine, but depending on your gear you should even your crit rating out with Power. For instance if I'm full campaign geared I want to even out at around 320~ Power and 320 ~ Crit Rating, but it looks fine


2. The surge rating should not be above 75% so that is fine


3. Since 1.3 illegal mods now also increases accuracy by 30% if im correct now. NOTE; Accuracy goes for both Weapons, MH and OH. When you have 100%~ on your MH its around 60-70 on your OH. But with 1.3 accuracy becomes lesser important than it used to for long fights. So your MH at around 100-105 % is fine.


The most important thing is to even out Crit Rating and Power. The Accuracy cap for PvE now I would say is at around 105% while the Surge Rating at 72-73%. PvP I'm not sure since I only PvE on my slinger :)

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Accuracy Rating until you have near/over 10% from it, for around 100%

Surge Rating until have at least 270 ish, which would bring you to around 75% crit multiplier

Crit Rating until you have at 200 ish


After that go power and always Augment with Skill not Overkill. With our +9% cunning talent boost and Sage's +5% stat boost, Cunning and Power are nearly equal in terms of yielding bonus damage.


When your looking at mods, Cunning > Power > Endurance are the ones you should look for. As for enhancements Accuracy > Power > Endurance or Surge > Power > Endurance. These provide the optimal bonus damage boost when you begin to look for +power items.

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1). i have heard the crit soft cap is about 30% or 35%. what value is closer and is that before or after class buffs? (example: i got +9% crit rate from class buff and perks so i got 30% before buffs and 39% after)


2) i have heard the surge soft cap is somewhere around 70-75%, is this accurate?


Neither crit nor surge have a soft cap. If you're referring to when they shift in priority relative to other stats, then that depends on your other stats. :) The links in my signature can help to get a more precise answer than that.


3). some people say after 100% accuracy there is not a significant point to put more into accuracy, is that true?


If you're referring to basic ranged accuracy, yes, that's true. Special ("tech") accuracy at that point reaches 110%, which is just enough to overcome operations bosses' innate 10% defense. "Tech" accuracy applies to all our abilities except Flurry of Bolts, which uses basic ("ranged") accuracy.


For PvP, many gunslingers also prefer to reach 110% special accuracy, since that is the amount of innate defense inquisitors and consulars have. Other classes have 5%, and of course tanks could have much higher than 10%.


should [a person] invest in power over cunning?


Nope. Cunning over power all the way.


Hopefully that helps!

Edited by Tibbel
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thanks for the info. i have been neglecting my power rate so im going to get some overkill augments to even them back out, the rest will be skill augments. that spread sheet is cool, im going to have to play around in it and do some tests.


again thanks for the info. ill keep an eye out for any changes in future updates.

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Weapon damage = white = ranged accuracy ... aimed shot, charged burst etc...

Internal, elemental etc. = yellow = tech accuracy... grenades , DOTs, flyby and stuff


This isn't completely correct.


"Ranged" accuracy affects only our basic attack, i.e. Flurry of Bolts.

"Tech" accuracy affects everything else, including both tech attacks and special ranged attacks.


You can see this for yourself by hovering over your ranged accuracy number on your character sheet. The tooltip breaks it into "basic accuracy" and "special accuracy", where the special accuracy number is equal to your tech accuracy.

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This isn't completely correct.


"Ranged" accuracy affects only our basic attack, i.e. Flurry of Bolts.

"Tech" accuracy affects everything else, including both tech attacks and special ranged attacks.


You can see this for yourself by hovering over your ranged accuracy number on your character sheet. The tooltip breaks it into "basic accuracy" and "special accuracy", where the special accuracy number is equal to your tech accuracy.


Yea I know but this can't be true. I think "special" is just another word for "tech".


The thing is that I have 99, ...% ranged accuracy and 109,... % tech acc.

I do miss sometimes with charged burst or wounding shots (white component) or even aimed shot.

So yea, I'm confused.

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Yea I know but this can't be true. I think "special" is just another word for "tech".


The thing is that I have 99, ...% ranged accuracy and 109,... % tech acc.

I do miss sometimes with charged burst or wounding shots (white component) or even aimed shot.

So yea, I'm confused.


The reason you sometimes miss is two-fold:

  1. Your off-hand attacks have an innate -33% accuracy, so even if you never miss with your main-hand attacks, the off-hand portion will still likely have a chance to miss. Every ranged attack ability for gunslingers consists of both a main-hand and an off-hand attack.
  2. Your target has defense, which reduces the chance to hit of your ranged attacks (basic and special). If you're doing PvE content, you're probably attacking an ops boss, which has 10% defense. This gives a chance for even main-hand special attacks to be dodged if you do not have at least 110% special accuracy. (Defense, of course, allows for a "dodge" rather than a "miss", but it has the same effect of causing the attack not to hit.)

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This isn't completely correct.


"Ranged" accuracy affects only our basic attack, i.e. Flurry of Bolts.

"Tech" accuracy affects everything else, including both tech attacks and special ranged attacks.


You can see this for yourself by hovering over your ranged accuracy number on your character sheet. The tooltip breaks it into "basic accuracy" and "special accuracy", where the special accuracy number is equal to your tech accuracy.


Not entirely true.


If you want to know what type your attacks are, open up the ability window and it should say what type they are on the right side of each ability. I am not sure about the skill names of a Gun Slinger, but I know on my sniper abilities like Ambush (= aimed shot on GS?) and such are also considered "ranged" and as such are affected by the same accuracy as your basic attack


Basically Melee and Ranged attack types (remember you can look up the types of each ability in the ability window) use the normal accuracy and Tech and Force attacks use that special accuracy you mentioned.

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1). i have heard the crit soft cap is about 30% or 35%. what value is closer and is that before or after class buffs? (example: i got +9% crit rate from class buff and perks so i got 30% before buffs and 39% after)


30% is the limit for crit from crit rating. The 3% from No Holds Barred is extra and not effected by this limit as is the 1% from legacy (completing all conversations with ranged dps companion, i.e. Risha). Crit from Cunning is also on a seperate diminishing return curve. I think where you're sitting at is near perfect



2) i have heard the surge soft cap is somewhere around 70-75%, is this accurate?


30% is the limit for surge from rating plus 50% base. 1% from legacy melee dps companon (i.e. Akavi) is seperate. 75% is a good goal.


3). some people say after 100% accuracy there is not a significant point to put more into accuracy, is that true?


This is true. You gain some benefit, but the benefit is small.


4). after a person has reached the soft caps in crit, surge and accuracy they should invest in power over cunning because one point of power will boost damage more than one point of cunning.


No. On the surface it looks like that but if you're talented in streetwise (and you should be) you get 9% to cunning, plus 5% to cunning from class buffs. This increase brings the dam from cunning to very nearly the same as power and with cunning you get crit (remember this is not subject to the same diminishing return as crit rating). So you're almost always better off with Cunning over Power.

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Basically Melee and Ranged attack types use the normal accuracy and Tech and Force attacks use that special accuracy you mentioned.


Unfortunately, the way it actually works is not that intuitive.


We have to hover over our ranged accuracy number to see that it's actually broken down into "basic" and "special" accuracy. Flurry of Bolts is basic. Everything else is special. Special ranged accuracy is always the same value as tech accuracy.


There's more information about accuracy calculations here, and about specific gunslinger stats in the MM Sniper/SS Gunslinger Compendium at the link in my signature.

Edited by Tibbel
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