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Stunned...full resolve...rooted...rooted...rooted...no resolve...stunned...


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Its too late anyway, its obvious that they cant fix the CC situation without breaking the game, without breaking the combat. Decisions that were made a long time ago (to try to attract the wow people) is what got us this cc controlled gameplay. If they want something else, and save this game, they have to take a huge risk and start from scratch with the combat, remove the bigger part of the cc abilities completely and have a more fluid combat with more movement even in pve. And if they can pull it off they should try to have the combat something a little closer to tera (always free look, no target lock) than to wow, but without the horrible root during abilities that tera has. Not saying tera is a good game. But bioware should start from scratch with the combat in my opinion, because its such a waste of a good star wars game with the current combat, and the cc oriented gameplay.


The way it is now its just not fun when you are slowed all the time, even if it works for the type of gameplay they want. I understand the resolve system, and how to use it.


And also, bioware doesnt decide what CC is. Sure they can decide what type of CC that interacts with their resolve bar. But no they dont decide what CC is :cool:


Unfortunately I think you're right and even though I love many parts of the game all of the bugs and things that don't work and or make the game not fun at times always remind me I'm playing a broken game.

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Granted, what they defined was what effects are and are not Resolve Effects, which only indirectly defines CC within the context of their game. So like I said we can start using RE and NRE to describe Resolve Effects and Non-Resolve Effects if it makes discussion easier.


That would certainly make things easier in discussing this topic relative to this game, since most of the gaming industry understand CC to mean many more effects than the few that have been redefined by the application of the resolve system in this game. RE and NRE makes a lot more sense for discussion of this system.

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That would certainly make things easier in discussing this topic relative to this game, since most of the gaming industry understand CC to mean many more effects than the few that have been redefined by the application of the resolve system in this game. RE and NRE makes a lot more sense for discussion of this system.


I'm all for making things easier. Plus the discussion of sematics was really failing to hold my interest lol.

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