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Burn heals not working as intended


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If you are a watchmen sent or anni marauder you have burns or bleeds that when you have 30 stacks of centering/focus you can use zen or the imp version of zen and ANY bleeds or burns on the target will crit and heal you and your party. Pre 1.3 there was no issue with this. I have noticed that now the only time I get heals from my burns are when I apply cauterize when really it should be whenever I have bleeds on the target which is all the time at 3 stacks because of overload sabers grants 3 stacks of melee burn attacks that stack up to 3. So why did the developers screw this simple thing up?


Now if you don't believe me go try it on a sent or marauder. Don't get the healing you receive from the chance confused with your actual zen ability heals. To test this simply build 30 stacks and some focus/rage and apply overload sabers then pop zen, attack target with auto attack to apply 3 stacks of bleeds. You will obviously see you will receive no heals from zen. Now build 30 stacks again with focus and or rage and then attack the target with three auto attacks and using zen then apply cauterize. You will see no heals from the 3 bleed stack you apply. You will see the heals AFTER you apply cauterize.


Anyone else having this problem?

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