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Resolve explanation requested


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Would someone please be kind enough to explain in detail exactly how resolve works? What affects it, what doesn't? What is the benefit / loss of having a full resolve bar?

For example: I am continually stun-locked in pvp until dead, and I am in fully augmented WH gear. I play a Sage, so I am constantly being marked and mass-targeted.

Also, quite often in Huttball, I will be pulled into a fire pit and stunned until dead.

I know when I use Force Lift on an opponent, any damage done to said opponent will result in the breaking of my Force Lift.

What breaks stuns? What breaks roots? Why can't I move or cast while taking repeated damage, even with a full resolve bar?

Answers and explanations greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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When the resolve bar is full you cannot be stunned, mezzed, pulled, or knocked back/knocked down. You can, however, still be rooted.


While it may be due to lag or just poorly written code, a full resolve bar doesn't always keep you from being CC'd. I've been focused in Huttball to the point where my resolve bar was full but stuns were still keeping me from acting.


I think everyone will have their own anecdote about how the resolve system is broken but I think it's mainly due to how the system tries to account for lag. If enough people stun/CC you at once, SWTOR just throws its hands up and says, "Ok, you are all valid stuns"..... I've even yanked people on my vanguard who had a full resolve bar. It's frustrating as can be.


My advice: line of sight. In Huttball you can walk along the farthest edge of the platform from your enemy and they can't get line of sight on you. In voidstar, hump those pillars. Same for civil war. In Novare, god help you.

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Resolve gives you immunity to all stuns and knockbacks for a limited period of time. It is not however affected by roots. Resolve is designed to stop the effects that take control away from you as the player, but does not affect the kiting and anti-kiting of the game for ranged and melee classes.

Resolve itself is a bar out of 1000, when you are stunned, the bar is filled with the duration of the stun with the ratio of 1 second = 100 resolve. For example a troopers Cryo Grenade lasts 4 seconds, therefore yielding 400 resolve. The resolve is yielded at the start of the stun, so for example if you are force lifted this will grant 800 resolve, but then if you are broken from the stun you will receive the full 800 resolve for the duration of the whole stun.

Once your resolve bar is full you will be granted immunity from all stuns and knockbacks, however roots will still take their affect (Such as the roots from charges and leg shot).


I hope this helps :)

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Here is some detailed information on specific resolve values:



Essentially, the Resolve Bar has two modes:

Building Mode - Purple/Grey bar with Resolve Value of 0-999. As you are hit with CC, Resolve gets added to your bar. The bar decays at a rate of 25 resolve per second while not CCed and 0 per second while CCed. Any CC effect that causes the value to exceed 1000 will cause you to enter Immunity Mode and the effect will add 150% Resolve (so a knockback that normally adds 400 would add 600 or 400+(400*1.5)).


Immunity Mode - White bar with Resolve Value of 0-max. The bar decays at a rate of 100 resolve per second at all times. No CC effect can be applied to you, though existing CC effects will not be broken.


For the purposes of the two descriptions above we rely upon the BW definition of CC, which includes:

Stuns - Complete loss of control, can take damage. These add 200 resolve per second of stun duration

Mezz - Complete loss of control, damage breaks effect. These add 100 resolve per second of mezz duration

Blind - Same as Stun but usually last less time and are not on demand

Knockback - Any effect that forcibly moves your character and is initiated by a hostile character. These add 400 resolve per movement.


NOT included as CC are:

Snares - Movement speed reduction

Roots - Complete movement loss, but abilities are still available.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Would someone please be kind enough to explain in detail exactly how resolve works? What affects it, what doesn't? What is the benefit / loss of having a full resolve bar?

For example: I am continually stun-locked in pvp until dead, and I am in fully augmented WH gear. I play a Sage, so I am constantly being marked and mass-targeted.

Also, quite often in Huttball, I will be pulled into a fire pit and stunned until dead.

I know when I use Force Lift on an opponent, any damage done to said opponent will result in the breaking of my Force Lift.

What breaks stuns? What breaks roots? Why can't I move or cast while taking repeated damage, even with a full resolve bar?

Answers and explanations greatly appreciated. Thank you!


There is a sticky at the top for resolve. How do you not know how it works with full, augmented WH?


But to answer some of your questions/comments.


What affects it, what doesn't?

Stuns(DMG doesnt break it), Mezz's(DMG breaks it), Pushbacks, pulls all affect resolve. Push/Pulls affect resolve to a lesser degree than stuns/mezz and different abilities affect it slightly differently as well.

2 stuns = Full resolve

1 stun + 1 mezz = Full resolve

2 Mezz = Full resolve

1 stun/mezz + 1 push/pull = Full resolve


Roots, Slows, and interrupts do NOT affect resolve.


What is the benefit / loss of having a full resolve bar?

Full resolve prevents you from being stunned, pushed, pulled, and mezzed. When you hit full resolve, the timer starts. I dont know the exact amount of time you are immune. But when your resolve bar is no longer white, you are no longer immune.


There is no loss from having full resolve, it can only help you.


quite often in Huttball, I will be pulled into a fire pit and stunned until dead.

And? Even if you didnt get stunned. Being in the fire will kill you in seconds. Pulls are very powerful in huttball.


I know when I use Force Lift on an opponent, any damage done to said opponent will result in the breaking of my Force Lift.

Force lift is a "mezz"


What breaks stuns?

Only one thing, your CC breaker.


What breaks roots?

Your CC breaker of course, some talented abilities that "remove movement imparing effects", and some can be cleansed.


Why can't I move or cast while taking repeated damage, even with a full resolve bar?

You can...unless you are being interrupted. Which is an ability all classes but mercs have that will stop your cast in its tracks, and prevent you from using that ability for a certain amount of time.

If you can't move, you are rooted.

Also, taking dmg causes something called "pushback", which slows your cast time down.


I am continually stun-locked in pvp until dead,

Not true. Stunlocks dont exist in this game. 2 stuns = immunity to stuns for a while.


Basic pvp strategy, dont use your CC breaker unless your resolve is full. It will help alot.

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I'm a gunslinger who likes to spam leg shot (root). What I don't get is that sometimes leg-shot doesn't work. I understand if I root someone and they stop moving for a split-second until they cleanse themselves, but I've seen roots/snares work on people with resilience and force speed, but occasionally my root will not work. If anyone could offer clarification on this, especially class-specific abilities such as my roots not working on operatives/scoundrels.


And as a GS, my accuracy is at least 100% so I don't think there's a chance for my attack to be missed.

Of course, I know the stuns/resolve in this game can be buggy because I've definitely seen instances where I should have been stunned or knocked back and seen nothing happen.

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There is a sticky at the top for resolve. How do you not know how it works with full, augmented WH?


But to answer some of your questions/comments.


What affects it, what doesn't?

Stuns(DMG doesnt break it), Mezz's(DMG breaks it), Pushbacks, pulls all affect resolve. Push/Pulls affect resolve to a lesser degree than stuns/mezz and different abilities affect it slightly differently as well.

2 stuns = Full resolve

1 stun + 1 mezz = Full resolve

2 Mezz = Full resolve

1 stun/mezz + 1 push/pull = Full resolve


Roots, Slows, and interrupts do NOT affect resolve.


What is the benefit / loss of having a full resolve bar?

Full resolve prevents you from being stunned, pushed, pulled, and mezzed. When you hit full resolve, the timer starts. I dont know the exact amount of time you are immune. But when your resolve bar is no longer white, you are no longer immune.


There is no loss from having full resolve, it can only help you.


quite often in Huttball, I will be pulled into a fire pit and stunned until dead.

And? Even if you didnt get stunned. Being in the fire will kill you in seconds. Pulls are very powerful in huttball.


I know when I use Force Lift on an opponent, any damage done to said opponent will result in the breaking of my Force Lift.

Force lift is a "mezz"


What breaks stuns?

Only one thing, your CC breaker.


What breaks roots?

Your CC breaker of course, some talented abilities that "remove movement imparing effects", and some can be cleansed.


Why can't I move or cast while taking repeated damage, even with a full resolve bar?

You can...unless you are being interrupted. Which is an ability all classes but mercs have that will stop your cast in its tracks, and prevent you from using that ability for a certain amount of time.

If you can't move, you are rooted.

Also, taking dmg causes something called "pushback", which slows your cast time down.


I am continually stun-locked in pvp until dead,

Not true. Stunlocks dont exist in this game. 2 stuns = immunity to stuns for a while.


Basic pvp strategy, dont use your CC breaker unless your resolve is full. It will help alot.


This is BS, resolve is broken and can be stunned more than 2 times, i have been stunned twice pulled into acid or fire, or knocked back and then stunned again. Something needs to be done about resolve and stuns, maybe lower the duration of all stuns or make it so you can only be stunned once every few minutes.

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This is BS, resolve is broken and can be stunned more than 2 times, i have been stunned twice pulled into acid or fire, or knocked back and then stunned again. Something needs to be done about resolve and stuns, maybe lower the duration of all stuns or make it so you can only be stunned once every few minutes.


Do you have a video of this happening? If not then you should not be posting this nonsense on the forums. If this did happen to you and you have no video then you should be reporting via an in game ticket, not posting on the forums where you won't be believed.

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This is BS, resolve is broken and can be stunned more than 2 times, i have been stunned twice pulled into acid or fire, or knocked back and then stunned again. Something needs to be done about resolve and stuns, maybe lower the duration of all stuns or make it so you can only be stunned once every few minutes.


Now THIS...is BS.

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Do you have a video of this happening? If not then you should not be posting this nonsense on the forums. If this did happen to you and you have no video then you should be reporting via an in game ticket, not posting on the forums where you won't be believed.


Don't care if im believed, im sure there are plenty of people out there with the same issue, was in pvp today and was stunned 3 times in a row, stunned twice used cc breaker on 2nd then stunned right after. I also don't think some knock backs and pulls affect resolve, cause i have had it happen with full resolve.

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Don't care if im believed, im sure there are plenty of people out there with the same issue, was in pvp today and was stunned 3 times in a row, stunned twice used cc breaker on 2nd then stunned right after. I also don't think some knock backs and pulls affect resolve, cause i have had it happen with full resolve.


If you don't care about being believed then what is the point of the post?


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By the way I've been grappled into fire with Force Shroud on + a full bar of resolve so getting hit by CC through immunity certainly can happen. It's just so rare that I don't see any explanation beyond 'lag' is needed. If I'm regularly getting pulled into fire with Force Shroud + a full bar of resolve I'd suspect something is wrong, but this is more of a 'cool story that happened this one time' deal.
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Don't care if im believed, im sure there are plenty of people out there with the same issue, was in pvp today and was stunned 3 times in a row, stunned twice used cc breaker on 2nd then stunned right after. I also don't think some knock backs and pulls affect resolve, cause i have had it happen with full resolve.


83 valor...never been stunned 3 times in a row.


Your game must be broken...

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Don't care if im believed, im sure there are plenty of people out there with the same issue, was in pvp today and was stunned 3 times in a row, stunned twice used cc breaker on 2nd then stunned right after. I also don't think some knock backs and pulls affect resolve, cause i have had it happen with full resolve.


I wish I could get stunned 3x in a row. I would just be happy to actually survive 2 stuns rather than watch my full resolve bar go away in the respawn zone.

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I wish I could get stunned 3x in a row. I would just be happy to actually survive 2 stuns rather than watch my full resolve bar go away in the respawn zone.


That's actually a pretty good point. I wonder who are those guys who survive so long to get stunned 3 times without dying?

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This is BS, resolve is broken and can be stunned more than 2 times, i have been stunned twice pulled into acid or fire, or knocked back and then stunned again. Something needs to be done about resolve and stuns, maybe lower the duration of all stuns or make it so you can only be stunned once every few minutes.


Round and round we go.


Proof please. We've been requesting anyone who ever claimed that "Resolve is broken, and people get stunned through full resolve, it happens all the time" to come up with in-game proof of such 'common' event for months now.


So far, none.


I myself have never seen such things happen, and every engagement, every encounter involved with CC always happened exactly as according to principle. I dare say all the claims of "Resolve is broken" either comes from selective/warped memory, or ignorance/misinformation.


Again, anyone is welcome to prove otherwise. Please, I insist. :rolleyes:

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That's actually a pretty good point. I wonder who are those guys who survive so long to get stunned 3 times without dying?


The ones that play smartly.


Being stunned multiple times in a row means you're up against multiple enemies. Against such odds, only a fool fights alone. The smarter people have heals, guard, taunt or etc.. to help them get through stunlocks. It's called "evening the odds".

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