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What stats should I focus on - Carnage


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As a Carnage marauder fulled buffed with stims I have


1857 strength

661 power

32.32 % crit

78.68 % surge

99 % melee accuracy/ 109% special accuracy


mix of rakata/black hole. What should I be increasing/decreasing? I'm thinking I need to increase power/str but I'm not sure if I want to sacrifice much more crit..

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Take away some Surge Rating (2-3%) and put it in accuracy.


Only needs about 1% more Acc, really. 100% base is plenty as everything other than Assault works off Special Accuracy.


Assault still generates Rage if hits miss, and its DPS is feeble, so there's no reason to over-gear on Acc to wiff less on Assault.


And to the OP, you'll probably want to swap out 1 Crit/Surge enhancement for Acc/Power. If you're seriously concerned about dropping too much Crit, another option is to replace one or more Power mods with Crit mods (though I wouldn't worry too much about pumping more Crit rating if the current score is already in the ~350 range).


Increasing STR is a nice goal in theory (and a good way to use up augment slots!), but the best ways to go about doing that are swapping Guardian armorings for Might (when feasible). The low-STR mods with more Crit/Power are superior to the high-STR mods for overall DPS, so that's a net negative way to pick up more STR.

Edited by Omophorus
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Only needs about 1% more Acc, really. 100% base is plenty as everything other than Assault works off Special Accuracy.


Assault still generates Rage if hits miss, and its DPS is feeble, so there's no reason to over-gear on Acc to wiff less on Assault.


And to the OP, you'll probably want to swap out 1 Crit/Surge enhancement for Acc/Power. If you're seriously concerned about dropping too much Crit, another option is to replace one or more Power mods with Crit mods (though I wouldn't worry too much about pumping more Crit rating if the current score is already in the ~350 range).


Increasing STR is a nice goal in theory (and a good way to use up augment slots!), but the best ways to go about doing that are swapping Guardian armorings for Might (when feasible). The low-STR mods with more Crit/Power are superior to the high-STR mods for overall DPS, so that's a net negative way to pick up more STR.


yes with atura form on, really i need more accuracy? i mean the special is already 111% which is pretty much all my attacks.


hmmm i thought of actually getting more surge, guess not. what about crit, leave it as is, decrease/increase? its ~32% fully buffed

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yes with atura form on, really i need more accuracy? i mean the special is already 111% which is pretty much all my attacks.


hmmm i thought of actually getting more surge, guess not. what about crit, leave it as is, decrease/increase? its ~32% fully buffed


There's a difference between 109% and 111% :p


You said 109% in your OP, and I assumed that was with Ataru active (would make sense).


Past 110% special, there's no reason to pump more Acc.


Then again, if your Acc score includes Narrowed Hatred, I'd suggest that respec'ing to remove it makes the most sense, even if it means more Acc on your gear, because 3 talent points for 3% Acc is a very costly way to achieve it.


Surge hits DR very hard and very early. More than about 250 Surge rating is borderline useless, as 200 gets you to 70%, 250 gets you to 75%, and 600+ gets you to 80%. The opportunity cost for adding Surge past 250 is just awful (in other words, you could make better use of the Enhancements).


32% Crit fully buffed (including IA buff) is a little on the low side, especially at that STR value, but not grossly so. I wouldn't go out of my way to pull Power to increase Crit, unless you're trading at significantly better than 1:1 Crit:Power ratio (point-for-point, Power is more useful, especially at normal values for both in real gear).


If you have Power augs, I'd switch them for STR augs, and if you have any mods with a very high STR number and a very low Crit/Pow number, I'd swap them (e.g. 61 STR/11 Crit for 48 STR/37 Crit or 37 Power).

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