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New Speeder, shiney Bioware


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Perhaps this is a good time to learn the lesson that you are not entitled to everything that someone else has.


There's a guy down the street. He has a better car than you. Should car manufacturers be forced to give you the same car at the same price you bought yours for?


You got a free speeder for doing something. Someone else got a free speeder for doing something else. Their speeder is better than yours. If you're having trouble dealing with that, then you might not be mature enough to handle multiplayer gaming.


Alternatively: Multi-player gaming is a excellent venue for you to come to grips with reality before growing up and being forced into it.

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I happen to agree with the OP here.


While I don't mind them giving perks to players who refer friends but I think it's time Bioware showed some love to the DD, CE and Security Key players.


Personally - I LOVE my DD speeder. I would like to see an option to upgrade it to the 110% speed.


More exclusive items sold by the VIP vendors and something really cool for the CE players. (FYI - I don't have CE, but I think these guys / gals deserve something for spending so much cash.)


I want LEGACY unlocks to work like VETERANS REWARDS, rather than money sinks.


^^ What this guy said. I do have the CE and there were promises made to add to what the CE vendors offered.

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Ok i have no problem with them giving a speeder for referring, What i do have a problem with is the freaking speeder has 110% speed at rank one. What ticks me off is i have the digital deluxe edition i payed 80 bucks i get a free speeder too 90% speed one that became useless when i hit 40. Basically that speeder means the people that have it save the 400+k from having to buy any training or the mounts. Perhaps i wouldn't be as jaded if the VIP bracelet had ANY use besides suicidal jumping off the top or looking at the 1.5mil mount that the vip vendor sells, ONLY thing he sells. The camera is blah and the droid gets put in your bank cause its not a pet as was advertised. I mean are you trying to piss off the player base?


you do realize you can get the speeder for free right?

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