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PETITION: Target's target


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Hello dear Bioware.

Today I did the first flashpoint with my fiance and being a healer, I came to realize fast that I couldn't attack my target's (the tank) target. I am used to play with that feature from another MMORPG called Everquest2 and I find it very, not even hard, annoying to target manually to deal some damage then click on the tank for heals again, back and forth. I'm sure that the majority of players would benefit from a target's target feature so I would strongly suggest it to be invented. I know that you have more pressing matters to attent to right now with the servers and the 20th comming closer, but at least let me know that this issue is being noted and taken into consideration. Or please explain me why you wouldn't want/can't have this feature being part of the game.

Regards, Truenoirr


P.S. I'm not even sure if this is the right forum section for this petition, so I apologize.

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You can already set up a Focus Target and aquire targets target is auto set to Alt + T.


When you set a focus target you wont need to click on anything again unless you want to change your focus target...youll just need to press whatever you set as the key to auto target your focus.


I have mine set to F and my targets target set to G so the keys are close.


Go over the keybindings tab at the bottom when you are the game preferences window.

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You can already set up a Focus Target and aquire targets target is auto set to Alt + T.


When you set a focus target you wont need to click on anything again unless you want to change your focus target...youll just need to press whatever you set as the key to auto target your focus.


I have mine set to F and my targets target set to G so the keys are close.


Go over the keybindings tab at the bottom when you are the game preferences window.


Yes, the interface certainly does have ways to accommodate the ability to target your targets target.


The problem is that it is in no way shape or form what most people would consider intuitive. I've been using the method you described for some time now, but it took me a little while of going through the keybinding to find out if it was even possible to set a focus target and view a target of a target.


I'd say the interface overall is pretty badly implemented. It looks slick, but it has a lot of problems that make using it downright frustrating at times.

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The entire UI system is extremely primitive relative to what you can find in a number of older MMOs.


This is both surprising and disappointing.


It also seems that this use of overly simplistic mechanics in SWTOR isn't limited to the UI either, the Galatic Market system is amazingly limited, and cumbersome, compared to what can be found in older games. For a new game that has been in development--and eagerly awaited with much hype--for as long SWTOR has been this is very disappointing and, frankly, frusterating. It's like going back to 1999 and playing EQ1 again in many ways, albiet with better graphics and a space theme.

Edited by Syntillate
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You can already set up a Focus Target and aquire targets target is auto set to Alt + T.


When you set a focus target you wont need to click on anything again unless you want to change your focus target...youll just need to press whatever you set as the key to auto target your focus.


I have mine set to F and my targets target set to G so the keys are close.


Go over the keybindings tab at the bottom when you are the game preferences window.


I know about that, too.

But it's for once difficult to get used to and secondly not the same to me at all.

That is because I am talking about damaging mobs through my tank. Not targeting mobs myself and throw heals at the tank without targeting him. In endgame content other DPS would want to target through a main assist DPS character to clear add mobs, too. The feature you mentioned doesn't help there at all.

Edited by Truenoirr
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I 100% agree with this.


I would add some things to this petition as well: party members targets, your companions target, and unless I am really missing something, a focus target. I though I saw a focus option during beta but I cannot find it again.


Also related to this, UI custimazation would be great. I know this was talked about before but I wanted to mention it.

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Well, until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume that the current state of the UI is a direct result of them assuming it'd be modded to heck and back so not as much effort was put into it as other areas of the game.


Unfortunately, before they could actually make sure that the UI customization was in place properly, pressure from investors forced them to show their hand releasing the game in it's current playable, but quirky state.


At least it's not another Age of Conan. I would have been very sad if after level 20 I found out that my story quest wasn't actually completable and that maybe all the items I had worked my bum off to get didn't actually improve my stats in any way....

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I know about that, too.

But it's for once difficult to get used to and secondly not the same to me at all.


1. I argued for their allowing game mods contiunally for 6 months in testing so we could get a better UI knowing full well they had no intention of changing a UI that was in place for such a long time but was shot down by the general testing community with little backing on my side.


2. for NOW, you have the option to get what you want in a DIFFERENT way than you are used to which is why I posted what I posted.


3. I at no point said what we have is good enough and your request is not needed, it was to show you a way of getting something close to what you need in the mean time because what you are asking for will not be given for a very very long time unless it was already on their to-do list. Bioware has been horribly slow all beta with player requested changes.

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As a tank, adding a display on the UI (say under the frame for your currently selected target) that shows your target's target would be extremely helpful. It's a little annoying when I can't exactly tell if I actually have threat on a target, or if he's hitting the guy standing next to me.
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As a tank, adding a display on the UI (say under the frame for your currently selected target) that shows your target's target would be extremely helpful. It's a little annoying when I can't exactly tell if I actually have threat on a target, or if he's hitting the guy standing next to me.




Why on earth there is no display that shows your current target's target is absolutely absurd. This will be bad for raiding. Those that think otherwise are either non-tanking players or bad tanks.

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