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SWTOR-RP Apparently think they can officially write for Bioware...


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I'm not the one who wrote the above thread but I agree with it and most of the posts there after. What blows me away is they think they can write class story spoilers without much fuss. This isn't the first time the admins that run this site, run it like they are Bioware themselves. It is a fan site, however they think they can just write up what they like without any backlash and when they do, they lock threads and start banning people from the website. As you read the links in that thread you will understand what I mean.


The only reason I'm posting here is that if something is posted on there website like the above link they will just lock the thread. I'm also hoping that the official community team here will understand people's frustrations with one of their Fan Sites and hopefully have a talk since the site claims that the BW Devs told them it is ok to write up such things and move the OFFICIAL Bioware storyline forward.


To those that run the site and see this. Seriously take down the articles and apologize. SWTOR-RP you are a Star Wars the Old Republic Fan Site, have some respect for Bioware and RP Community.

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I am in full agreement with you there.


I was always under the impression that SWTOR-RP was a roleplaying portal; a means for likeminded players to find each other, post character bios, do some play-by-post. And I figured that all of the "news" would come from the IC goings-on of the participating characters.


But no, spoiling people on their front page, stating something BioWare deliberately left vague as fact (as though they knew better) and then saying the equivalent of "eff you, we got ours" when shown that there are people in the community who didn't appreciate the tone or content of these news posts?


And then locking the thread on the site about it simply because it's dissent? Come on guys, this isn't good behaviour. All it's showing is cliquishness and an inability to take criticism or invite discussion or debate. And it is making RPers in SWTOR look pretty bad, by and large.


SWTOR-RP does not speak for me as a roleplayer. They should not continue to conduct themselves as though they do, especially if they're to continue this habit of spoiling people outright on their front page. People are still getting into this game for the first time. The class stories are still new for them. Respect that.


P.S.: I made the nut allergy macro :D

Edited by tehjai
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SWTOR-RP does not speak for me as a roleplayer. They should not continue to conduct themselves as though they do, especially if they're to continue this habit of spoiling people outright on their front page. People are still getting into this game for the first time. The class stories are still new for them. Respect that.


Amen. I think people need to stand up and say that. So they can see that what they are doing is wrong. Maybe if enough people respond, they will take the hint, and/or Bioware will make a statement to them.

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It has nothing to do with the spoilers, and everything to do with how they handle themselves, and the situation.


Let me clarify. They are supposed to be helping immersion, and Role-playing within the community. Instead of reporting on In-character events and plot lines, they took the easy way out by reporting on something people will find out through game play with out much of a warning first.


When their community asked them not to do this, their response was to ignore their followers and do what they want. A community site is only as strong as it's connection to the community, if they shut them out, then they are more or less destroying themselves.


To say nothing of the fact that the writers of the articles didn't stop and think about what they were posting. As pointed out in several of the threads, the Empire would never -allow- such a statement to be made public. That is why Imperial Intelligence has such a notorious reputation for making things/people disappear.

Edited by Nakti
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Hi there, guys.


As the topic of this thread is another site and their policies, it isn't strictly on topic to role-playing in SWTOR. With that in mind, we'll be closing this thread. However, we have read this thread, and we are sensitive to the community's needs. While we are closing this thread, please know that it has been read.



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