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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Where is the music???


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Many times in this game I found myself in a 10-15 minuet stretch where I heard complete and total silence, I also found many times in important convos that there was no music at all. Now knowing that the Star Wars Sega had some of the best music ever when it comes to movies, you would think that they would use it more. I think the biggest problem that I got with this issue is that there is not even a loop music option, so when I am just standing around waiting for a group or something, I hear complete silence.



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I do think that some player control over music would be nice, but they certainly don't need to be playing music more often, if you play it too much it loses its significance. And John William's soundtrack has been massively abused by every Star Wars game ever made so I think its good for it to take a little break once in a while :p
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. And John William's soundtrack has been massively abused by every Star Wars game ever made so I think its good for it to take a little break once in a while :p


I agree that if it was overused, then it would get bland, but I have listened to every Star Wars soundtrack there is, even the ones that were not released on a disk (I know call me a nerd) and I am sure that SWTOR did not even use half of the pieces, at least on the JK story, because that is the only story I have played to the fullest.

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I off music when I'm tired of it hitting ctrl+M. I turn it on again when silence starts bothers me hitting ctrl+M again.

Check if you've got it disabled because this game has got music almost everywhere.

Edited by Diktat
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The trooper had a the same tune almost every time with the occasional order 66 music when your troops betray you and when your in an important class mission story fight battle of the heroes would play and that's about it for music for the trooper.
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Gawd, they play the same short riffs over and over...PLEASE TURN IT OFF! Or play something that is much more complete. Arrgghh.....I sometimes cannot mute it fast enough to squelch the never ending repeats of the same few notes. Edited by Stugotz
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When out leveling I very rarely hear music, only if I'm fighting a gold level mobs, during class quests, and some times when I take the shuttle down to a planet, but nothing more. In FPs, OPs, on fleets and in major cities are the only places you hear consistent music. Would be awesome with a loop-music button you could tick on or off.


Recently I made a youtube playlist of stuff from Two Steps From Hell and similar bands/orchestras/music groups, helps a lot with bringing in a sense of movie-moment to the most tedious activity.

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I off music when I'm tired of it hitting ctrl+M. I turn it on again when silence starts bothers me hitting ctrl+M again.

Check if you've got it disabled because this game has got music almost everywhere.


ctrl m no longer works taking off the music. They made that change in 1.2.8

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Many times in this game I found myself in a 10-15 minuet stretch where I heard complete and total silence, I also found many times in important convos that there was no music at all. Now knowing that the Star Wars Sega had some of the best music ever when it comes to movies, you would think that they would use it more. I think the biggest problem that I got with this issue is that there is not even a loop music option, so when I am just standing around waiting for a group or something, I hear complete silence.




I use this site when I play because the game has no music. http://www.youtuberepeater.com/


Edit: This is a good song to listen to http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=o--bLEobBFY&name=Battle+of+the+Heroes+stronger+chorus

Edited by Tuscad
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Gawd, they play the same short riffs over and over...PLEASE TURN IT OFF! Or play something that is much more complete. Arrgghh.....I sometimes cannot mute it fast enough to squelch the never ending repeats of the same few notes.


I agree, when they play the same 1 minuet song over and over in a flashpoint or story mission it gets annoying. They should add more variety to make it more engaging.

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Its funny that this topic came up...


I was leveling and whenever i wanted something to listen to in the background there was no music. But when they did play music it was that annoying tune from EP 2. The one that plays when Obi Wan jumps out of the window, hangs on to the probe and goes after the assassin while emo boy chases after him in the yellow speeder. I dont know what it is about that tune that annoys me...probably because it sounds like a 5 second looped track.

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Its funny that this topic came up...


I was leveling and whenever i wanted something to listen to in the background there was no music. But when they did play music it was that annoying tune from EP 2. The one that plays when Obi Wan jumps out of the window, hangs on to the probe and goes after the assassin while emo boy chases after him in the yellow speeder. I dont know what it is about that tune that annoys me...probably because it sounds like a 5 second looped track.


That is exactly the track that gets overused, which sucks because that might be the worst track of episode 2 and although many hate the prequels, it sure had the best music

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They also use the track of when the droids attack Naboo WAAAYYYY too much. Once again, episodes 1-6 have a great variety of tracks, they dont use them


It seems like BW uses the same 3 songs over and over again, just changing the motion a bit to go slower during emotional scenes, and fast and intense during fighting scenes. Takes like 5 seconds for an audio technician to do those changes. Such a shame that BioWare/EA keeps choking a game with immense potential and a fantastic IP, seemingly only to use as little money as possible while getting loads back.

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That is exactly the track that gets overused, which sucks because that might be the worst track of episode 2 and although many hate the prequels, it sure had the best music


BW probably thought it gives players a sense of urgency when it plays in the game. But really all it does is give players a sense of omg this song is so annoying.

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