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Hmm, interesting stuff about a possible plot point....


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While seeking the Wookipedia for a plot line for a project, I came across a rather surprising fact.


In -3700, a Republican Scout mapped the Hydian Way, a hyperoute from the future Corporare Sector to the Core. This brought incredible wealth to the world of Brentaal IV, who sat at the intersection of this new route and the ancient Perlemeniian trade route.


This is the same Hydian way that was used (among others) by the Sith to invade the Republic, and whose liberation pushed the Emperor to sign a (fake) peace.


It's really convenient that it was discovered 19 years before it was used by the Sith, isn't it ?


But the icing on the cake is this. Around -3700, a young force sensitive was born on the world of Brentaal IV.


Satele Shan.


(Obviously, Brentaal IV being a super populous core word, of several dozens billions of Humans, millions of Human girls are born each year on Brentaal IV. It's just that of all planets of the galaxy, why specifically put the birth of Satele Shan on Brentaal IV at this exact date ?)

Edited by Angedechu
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No. Her dad or mom, however....


As much as I love movie references I keep seeing, if the major climax of any SWTOR storyline is the Emperor telling Satele Shan he's her father I'm ending my sub.

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As much as I love movie references I keep seeing, if the major climax of any SWTOR storyline is the Emperor telling Satele Shan he's her father I'm ending my sub.


Don't worry that isn't likely as Satele is a Descendant of Revan and Bastila. I would be more concerned of the Emperor saying he is Revan's father.

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Don't worry that isn't likely as Satele is a Descendant of Revan and Bastila. I would be more concerned of the Emperor saying he is Revan's father.


Of course, that can be argued due to him being the father of Revan Reborn... from a certain point of view. :eek:

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