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Fighting multiple standard mobs


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Hey guys, started playing a sentinel watchman and at level 28 now. I had one question regarding the class. Normally when fighting a strong or an elite I don't have any problems as I pretty much have my rotation down path and manage to keep burns up for self healing and normally don't drop below 80%. However, when it comes to taking on the standard 3/4 groups I tend to always fall to around 1/4 HP. I can't really seem to find a way to burn them all quickly enough so that my HP doesn't fall too low (although I have never died from any of these packs yet).


I was wondering what you guys do when you approach standard packs.

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At level 28, you may not have all the abilities to deal with packs of trash easily.


My approach (at level 50) is:



Force Leap

Opportune Strike the immobilized mob (normal mob is dead if it crits, otherwise almost dead)

Force Sweep (kills the first mob if not already dead, stuns and damages others nearby)

Pommel Strike one of the stunned mobs (= dead)

Zealous Strike the lowest remaining hit point mob and kill what's left using single target abilities


Use Awe (AoE stun) after Pommel Strike if there are multiple mobs left and you want to further reduce your incoming damage.

Edited by LagunaD
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Hey guys, started playing a sentinel watchman and at level 28 now. I had one question regarding the class. Normally when fighting a strong or an elite I don't have any problems as I pretty much have my rotation down path and manage to keep burns up for self healing and normally don't drop below 80%. However, when it comes to taking on the standard 3/4 groups I tend to always fall to around 1/4 HP. I can't really seem to find a way to burn them all quickly enough so that my HP doesn't fall too low (although I have never died from any of these packs yet).


I was wondering what you guys do when you approach standard packs.


Are you using Kira or T7? Either way I'd recommend sending them in first, then you leap to a different target. I imagine that would solve a lot of your problems until you get Doc, at which point you won't have any more problems.

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