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Republic, Empire and Voice-Overs (oh my!)


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After levelling several characters to 50, a mix of both Republic and Imperial, it is clear that the Republic side gets the shaft in voiced missions.


Practically every NPC on the Empire side from 1-50 speaks "english"/basic whatever and theres a lack of alien-speak and mission terminals. Obviously alien speaking quest givers and mission terminals do exist on the Empire side but in much smaller quantity than the Republic.


You could argue that the Empire doesn't like aliens and therefore you encounter few but it does give the impression that more thought and detail went into Empire progression.


Another good example of this being the Black Hole dailies. Both factions have a small conversation on their fleets, however upon arriving to Black Hole the Empire has another conversation with an imperial officer and then speaks to her again to accept the quest for the Heroic.


Upon arriving to the Black Hole as Republic, you're basically told "k you're here, go see what you can do' and you pick up every quest from the mission terminal - including the heroic.


Obviously the Black Hole was ushered out content for 1.2 (which brings up the question of whether we're going to move away from voiced conversations in the future seeing as all the quests are given through mission terminals) to give people 'something extra to do' but for the Republic side this content seems more half-assed than it already is (all quests given via mission terminals eg.)


Anyway this was just an observation and aside from class quests I skip everything now and mission terminals are a welcome relief to spamming through a conversation, but it was an observation from experiencing all the stories from both sides.

Edited by Ashania
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I agree and think of this as something good: as Imperial you shouldn't receive orders by aliens (especially if you're a Sith Lord). If the quest givers' languages aren't mirrored it's all but a plus in my opinion and Republic players shouldn't feel bad just because they have to read a bit more.
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