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Commando/Merc dps in ranked PVP

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I love my assault commando and would prefer to play him over my pyro powertech, but based on "the internet's" opinion that would be pretty silly.


Can anyone who has experience in ranked warzones give an account of how things are going for you and your team? I'd really like some assurance that it won't be a total waste of time to get a commando to war hero in hopes of pvping as dps. Thanks in advance.

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I'm a Gunnery Commando, and I've done 15 ranked warzones. Of those, 5 were with pug groups, which I lost every one of (and was top dps for my team in every one of).


The other 10 were with my guild, and we went 7-3. Of those 10 games, I was normally near the top or top dps. I had a Civil War where I did 676k damage. Second was 619k, and third was only 450k.


While "the internet" would say we're not worth a spot in ranked's, that's because the majority of mercs/commandos rolled them because they were easy, and when we got nerfed they all quit. Your key attributes are your knockbacks, and your sticky grenade (or Assault Plastique, if you are assault.) Play those correctly, and always use other attacks when you're interrupted (basic, I know, but a lot of commandos don't do that) and you'll be fine.

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