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Marauder basic info pvp and leveling.


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I rolled a sith warrior and I have a few questions.


1. Do you think it's stupid to roll a mara at this point because I dont want to play a gimped class and there's a lot of QQ about maras so will they get nerfed to the ground soon so it's not worth rolling one.


2. Is marauder better ac than juggernaut for pvp DPS?


3. What is the "best" leveling pvp spec for a skilled player ( I mean most effective, I'm doing mostly WZs) and playing without friends.


4. What secondary attributes should I focus on? Should I go power all the way?


5. What's the best companion while doing class quests?


5. And lastly, what crew skills should I pick for pvp? Is biochem worthless after the changes so should I take cybertech for grenades and a little better adaptive gear, or is there something even better? :)


Thanks for your time! :)

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I rolled a sith warrior and I have a few questions.


1. Do you think it's stupid to roll a mara at this point because I dont want to play a gimped class and there's a lot of QQ about maras so will they get nerfed to the ground soon so it's not worth rolling one.


Play a class because you enjoy it not because its "overpowered". The class isn't as amazingly overpowered as a lot of people think. There is a reason 9/10 marauders are mediocre. It's not easymode faceroll.


2. Is marauder better ac than juggernaut for pvp DPS?




3. What is the "best" leveling pvp spec for a skilled player ( I mean most effective, I'm doing mostly WZs) and playing without friends.


Annihilation is better until 40, then the specs even out quite a bit. From there its just personal choice of what you enjoy the most. Rage can do more overall damage against a melee heavy team but has little to no utility for your teammates.


4. What secondary attributes should I focus on? Should I go power all the way?


You want a balance of crit/surge/power. Its mostly personal preference. I wouldn't go under 25% crit and 75% surge.


5. What's the best companion while doing class quests?


I used vette all the way, she does more damage than your own character. Its faster than using a healing companion


5. And lastly, what crew skills should I pick for pvp? Is biochem worthless after the changes so should I take cybertech for grenades and a little better adaptive gear, or is there something even better? :)

There isn't a best choice. If you are leveling through pvp you won't be getting materials for crafting anyway. You will spend more running missions for materials than you could sell the final product for.


I would go cybertech though, upgrading your gear as you level for pvp is pretty useful.


Thanks for your time! :)



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I rolled a sith warrior and I have a few questions.


1. Do you think it's stupid to roll a mara at this point because I dont want to play a gimped class and there's a lot of QQ about maras so will they get nerfed to the ground soon so it's not worth rolling one.


2. Is marauder better ac than juggernaut for pvp DPS?


3. What is the "best" leveling pvp spec for a skilled player ( I mean most effective, I'm doing mostly WZs) and playing without friends.


4. What secondary attributes should I focus on? Should I go power all the way?


5. What's the best companion while doing class quests?


5. And lastly, what crew skills should I pick for pvp? Is biochem worthless after the changes so should I take cybertech for grenades and a little better adaptive gear, or is there something even better? :)


Thanks for your time! :)


There is no "best" spec for leveling or pvp. Each one has their own role to perform. The same goes w/ a crafting profession or companion(you can level just fine in pve with any companion if you're patient). If you're just wanting to do a FoTM sort of thing, hoping you'll dominate just by slapping your palm on the keyboard, Sith Warrior isn't the class for you. If you're asking questions such as "what is the best 'so and so,'" it gives off the impression that you have "I can't think or test things out for myself syndrome."

Remember, what may be effective, fun, or comfortable for someone might not be the same for you.


Finally, a "skilled" player doesn't ask about best spec/crafting profession/companion/class for various situations. He tests things out, and/or comes up with one of his/her own.

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