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sentinel Zen , burns? ?


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a lvl. 18 sent and want to use kira,been using her since I got her

On taris and getting my *** kicked now...

I basically leap in, do the jump attack when enemies around me

zealous strike

heroic strike



strike, etc

but I die so easy, thinking of utilizing Zen but have no idea how it works

basically please explain what is Zen, burn attack, and center, because I am so lost.

are they importsnte? I was watchman and now focus hoping for more defence, but still getting owned.


Edited by AneeshS
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Sorry you are havin trouble buddy, I found the sentinel to be very simple to level with and kill mobs.. umm i know that watchman spec or combat spec are both very effective ways to level. I usually leap in, and smash my kill buttons and profit : / Sorry im not of more use I just wanted to let you know that sents arent broken by any means
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yes, do not forget rebuke and saber ward. use them on CD, dont worry about saving them. make sure you keep medpacs and stims handy, they can make all the difference.


one thing i learned quickly with this game, do not skip quests in the beginning. you will get the same xp for 8 levels above the quests. better to be 2 or 3 levels above and fly through the quests than have to worry. make sure you do the taris bonus series to keep you ahead of the game.

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basically please explain what is Zen, burn attack, and center, because I am so lost.



So.. what is "Zen"?

This is what the tooltip for Zen says:


Requires and converts 30 stacks of Centering to enter a Zen state. Lasts for 6 charges. This effect varies based on your current lightsaber form:

Shii-Cho Form: Slash costs no focus and strikes 1 additional nearby enemy.

Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your burn attacks by 100% and causes burn damage to heal your group for 1% of max health each tick.

Ataru Form: Reduces the focus cost of Slash, Cyclone Slash and Blade Rush by 1 and reduces their global cooldown by 0.5 seconds.


Basically, when you have 30 stacks of Centering you can activate Zen and then depending on your current "form" it will have different effects.


What is "Centering"?

This is wha the tooltip for "Centering" says:


Activating an attack that spends focus and defeating opponents builds Centering. When 30 stacks of Centering are built, you become Centered, enabling the use of Zen, Transcendence and Inspiration.


So basically "Centering" is a buff that appears on your character and that builds up to "30" whenever you use an attack that spends focus.

By default, you get one "Centering" for every such attack.

There are 2 talents that change how you get "Centering". If you have "Valor" from the Watchman tree you get two more Centering from attacks that consume focus, and if you have the "Defensive Forms" talent from the Combat Tree you will get another two Centering every time you are attacked (or at least, every 1,5 seconds :)).

Once you have "30" Centering you can activate "Zen".


What are "burn attacks"?

Basically your lightsaber is a concentrated beam of plasma. When you use certain abilities, you can take advantage of that fact to cause your targets to "burn".

So, when you use the attack "Cauterize" not only does it do damage to the target, it also causes the target to "burn" for another 6 seconds.

Another example is "Overload Saber". This is a self-buff that causes *all* your attacks to leave a "burn" effect on the target for 6 seconds. The buff last 15 seconds *or* 3 attacks. This "burn" effect stacks up to a maximum of 3 and every application of the effect causes the 6 seconds to refresh.


Hopefully the above explanation is all you need to figure out how important "burn effects" are and how they interact with your other abilities and how you can use "Zen".


Let us know if you have any furher questions.

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