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>> Increase Interrupt Cooldown From PT/Vang + Jugg/Gaurdian = Problem Solved?


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To the OP: The mechanics of this game do not support changing the CD for different circumstances. The closest you could get is to have the CD extended when you are flagged for PvP. However for those on PvP servers the interrupts would be extended a lot more often. For those of us on PvE servers it would work fine unless I decide to flag for PvE then I would be gimping my interrupt.


The AoE taunt gets brought up by people because it is an example of PvP motivated changes having an extreme effect of PvE play for a class. Which is exactly what would happen if your suggestion was to take place. If you wish to refute that, please see above about CDs not being changeable for different circumstances. I applaud your attempt to balance PvP but please listen to reason and logic rather than blindly insisting you are correct.

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Healers dont need any buffs. L2p


I think what you meant to say was "interrupts don't need any nerfs" since that's what the thread is actually about.


Feel free to disagree with the OP's suggestion and post completely nonconstructive feedback, but there's no reason to be deliberately obtuse at the same time.

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op and supporters are resoundingly wrong and have no argument other than "I think it should be this way".


Shot down, next.


Because your counter argument of "no, because you are wrong" is so much more compelling and logically sound? At least the people dragging PvE into a discussion about PvP were making attempts (albeit misguided ones) to support their opinions with logical reasoning.

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