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Quotes that would end Star Wars

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In A New Hope after Luke gets the Droids.....


R2: "Sooo, Luke. Who's your daddy?"

"Yeah, she might be beautiful, but you better not even think about it. SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!! I think you need to get some before we go any further. Or just go to your bunk for a while and get the job done."

"Your dad was a wife-choker."

"Your mom copped out and left you and your sister alone."

"How do I know all this? I was THERE, dummy!"

"Goldenrod over there? Vader built him."

"Before he became a BAMF'in Sith Lord, Vader was an emo-whiny little nublet.... kind of like you."

"Kiss my shiny metal daffodil butt!"


R2-D2 knew everything. :cool:


For all we know, this DID happen! Just at this point, I don't think Luke spoke droid-ese.

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ikr? Cause is far obvious what you said.


Ye, the thread is aobut quotes that makes diferent and ridicolous scenes in Star Wars. So... why not linking a video mr unhappy?


I never said it was bad nor did I say i was unhappy, I was just saying what it was.

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Qui-Gon tactically retreats back to Obi-Wan when they get sepated just before the energy fields.


Obi-Wan: Phew... thought you were gonna to take him on by yourself there for a second...

Qui-Gon: Naw dawg.


hehhhehe yeah thats actually probably what should have happened!

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On the Death Star:


Vader: "When I left you, I was but the learner. But now I am the Master."


Obi-Wan: "Youz still a nublet."


Vader *emoRAGE attacks, and makes a mistake*


Obi-Wan: *slices and dices, finishing the job he started on Mustafar* "Yep. Still a n00by n00by n00blet!"


Luke runs up: "You killed him!"


Obi-Wan: "Yeah, he was your daddy, but he went loony toons. He'll never be One With The Beard!"

Edited by Captain_Zone
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On Endor:


Luke to himself: Do I tell her she's my sister. Why? We have such great chemistry.


Leia: Luke what's wrong?

Luke: I think you know. *Kiss her

Leia: Let's go find a private hut somewhere.


It wouldn't end Star Wars, but it's funny :D

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Jabbas sail barge.


Artoo fires sabre, totally misses lukes skiff, lands in Sarlaac. Lando's response "Daaaaamn dude"




fires bottle of beer just like Face's droid in Wraith squadron book. Luke probably still pwns all by glassing jabbas retinue though




Han misses and shoots Lando between the eyes, Later Wedge flies through death star on his own and finds another Lame azz excuse to go home early " I can't stay with you, I left something in the oven"

Edited by Kane_Ren
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*Vader is burning on the floors of Mustafar as the Emperor walks to him*


Palpatine: "Well you're done for."


'Leaves Vader to die"


Palpatine: "Clone trooper, your my new apprentice, you will be called Darth Matt."




Vader: So, you have a twin SISTER. If you will not turn then perhaps she will.

Luke: Hey, that's a great idea! Well if you'll not be needing me anymore i'll be off!

Vader: Noooooooo!

'Vader hurls Luke down the reactor shaft'


The attack on the Death Star, inside the Millenium Falcon

Nien Nub: Geri waka waka fishy nible! (They are jamming us!)

Lando: I have no idea what you said, it sounded like 'I'm hungry and i smell a fish!'

Nien Nub: Goopy waka monkey wrench! (You ******* idiot!)

'Admiral Ackbar crashes into the Death Star'

Edited by Jediaidertwo
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Republic Cruiser Captain: "With all due respect, the ambassadors of the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately."


Nute Gunray: "Request denied, zhis blockaad ees strictly Trade Federation territoreh. You must show zhta you haff approval from zhe Seenate!"


This is gold.


Zhe Seenate!

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