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Character selection help


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Hey I'm pretty new to MMOs and only really played a DPS class I haven't really done PvP but really want to try it. I really love PVE from the little I have played. I'm not to bother which faction I go with but what I would like to know is what DPS class would your recommend be good for a new play and some one wanting to do but has never done PvP before.

Also I do fancy trying my hand at a healer or tank but never done these roles before is there a tank or healer that would be good for a first timer

Thank for any and all help

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well, in pvp, i would go with a sith marauder or jedi sentinel, as they are the most brokenly overpowered class in the game.


and if you want to tank, then i would suggest asking about it on the tanking subforums. i play a sith juggernaut, and i must say, it is an extemely difficult tank to play.

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Hello and welcome to the game.


Let me give you some good advice. For both pvp/pve the best tanking classes are vanguard/powertech in my mind.

Guardiand/juggernaut got a nerf last patch and was alredy underpowered as tanks specs.


Shadow/assassin are good aswell but i feel the aove will be better for you as they are both ranged and mele and

have great utility. The importent thing is to read up on all the skills and understand what skill work best in combination with what.And dont use all the skills you get.Each class hae 2-3 useless skills depending on what advanced class you are running,and some skills ony work in pve(epic fail i knoew)


Gonna give you specs that works great. for vanguard/powerteck really strong dualing and team spec is this

Remember to interrupt as much as you can.


Use ion cell and generator offhand http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301rkrroZbZGoGMdRMR.2


The best pure range dps spec, use plasma cell http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301MsZfhrrzGhMsZhz.2


Guardian/juggernaut DPS spece that is most awesome in pvp/pve

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MZMMZfMrRRuddGR.2 use shien form.


http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500MZrrRrdfRrfzZc.2 shii cho form


Sentinel/marauder is also really good now, little to good.


Learn to play this smuggler spec in pvp and you will never have more fun !



Commando healing is really cool http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800bZrfR0RdfdkqZrz.2

Use combat support cell


But remember, it's not the spec that makes you a good player, it's ho well you play the class and understand the game.In the end play the class you enjoy the most.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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For DPS I should also recommend Gunslinger/sniper. The nice thing about the sniper's tree is that you have one that augments your AoE, one meant for heavy single target burst damage, and one for a very mobile spec, if you get tired of being a turret.
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For DPS I should also recommend Gunslinger/sniper. The nice thing about the sniper's tree is that you have one that augments your AoE, one meant for heavy single target burst damage, and one for a very mobile spec, if you get tired of being a turret.


I'm pretty new to the game and have been bouncing all around with different characters trying to pin one down that I liked. I really really loved the Agent storyline but after getting my Sniper to about level 20 I was getting really frustrated with the cover mechanic and lack of movement. Because of this I rerolled him as an Operative and now I'm not sure which I like(or dislike) more.


The Operative seems like a less effective version of my Sith Assassin. He does less damage than the Assassin and seems to have less survivability. . Do Operatives get more deadly as they level or will I be stuck as a healer? Do Snipers get alittle more mobility and fun as they level or will I be stuck in one place as a turret? I'm really on the fence about which one of these A/Cs to go with.

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I have not leveleded my scoundrel yet (operatives mirror), but can tell in endgame PVP they are beastly killers, breaking out ftom stealth and almost instagibbing you. Operatives as DPS are not to be trifled with.


I have leveled a sniper though. The engineering tree is quite mobile IMO. You just place your probes and let them do the heavy work ;)

The Shared tree (lethality?) should also be quite mobile if not more.

Edited by Veniras
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For new players in PvP I'd reccomend the sniper or commando. The melee jedi are powerful when you know what you're doing but human PvP players are good at always staying just out of range, leaving you chasing around the map swinging at the air like a fool.


Sniper isn't mobile but once you find a good nest to hunker down in you can max out DPS like nobodies business. Plus you can learn how to balance cooldowns and buffs because you're not distracted with having to chase down enemies to get them in melee range. It's stress free if you're out of the way picking off targets but once they notice you demolishing them you'll die. The sniper is a "glass cannon" but by time they finally take you out you'll have killed 5 of theirs (+1 on the comment about the engineer path, I'm dominating games with it now).


Commando is great if you don't like being rooted to the spot. Not as complex to play but still more than just mashing a combination of 3 buttons in a row. Plus it feels great using area of attack techniques to help the team out. There will be a cluster of Jedi swinging at each other and by time your team picks off the first enemy or 2 the other 3 attacking them are under 50% health thanks to the mortar fire coming from you on the other side of the map. Smart enemies will realize that while it looks like the Jedi are making kills you're dishing out DPS at a rate double or triple of the guys they were fighting.

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I'm pretty new to the game and have been bouncing all around with different characters trying to pin one down that I liked. I really really loved the Agent storyline but after getting my Sniper to about level 20 I was getting really frustrated with the cover mechanic and lack of movement. Because of this I rerolled him as an Operative and now I'm not sure which I like(or dislike) more.


The Operative seems like a less effective version of my Sith Assassin. He does less damage than the Assassin and seems to have less survivability. . Do Operatives get more deadly as they level or will I be stuck as a healer? Do Snipers get alittle more mobility and fun as they level or will I be stuck in one place as a turret? I'm really on the fence about which one of these A/Cs to go with.


Lethality requires almost no cover at all, just like it requires almost no stealth at all for Ops. :) It's a very popular PvP spec because of that. However, it will not come into it's own until you get Cull.

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The sentinel does heavy DPS true but it is also a class that's not as easy to play as say a commando. I know a couple of people who for some unknown reason are new to MMOs, new to gaming and choose to play sentinels... very badly.
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