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Does anyone else remember playing knights of the old repubilc?because when i went to taris with my gunsliger i found the endar spire.i felt kindof said and wanted to play that game again.does anyone else feel kind of bummed because when all those people are going a round looking for all the holojournals about the people and the promiesd land,they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it. did anyone else feel like that when they went on taris?just wondering
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I loved visiting Taris in TOR having played both KOTRO and KOTRO 2. Personally, I enjoy seeing the passage of time from one game to the next. I'm glad Taris was handled the way it was. It shows the galaxy (at least in BioWare's vision) evolves and can change. I don't know. I thought it was cool finding things I recognized in the rubble and remembering how things were and seeing how they are now. Life changes and we have to accept that. I'd have been disappointed if nothing significant had changed in the galaxy over the years between KOTRO 2 and TOR.


Oh, and specifically to this point:


"they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it."


No. It's a story. As a writer, I feel no remorse over any characters that die because I wrote them that way. It's the same with video games. As a video game player (or, in this case, an MMO paying customer) I am making decisions for fictional characters who affect fictional places and things. None of this is real. At least, in regards to how non-player characters or non-player places are affected. You should keep that in mind. You might sleep better at night. There is no need to mourn over all the dead of Taris. They were never real to begin with. /comfort


Do you feel remorse for all the pretend beings you've personally pretended to slay in any video game you've played?


Feel not for the Koopas, my friend, for they feel not for you.

Edited by InnerPieces
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I must admit, it was a bit nostalgic. I always hoped they made it. But from the holos, it all went wrong. Just like Taris in a sense. I really like that they included that call back. There are several other moments like that, and more to come as well.
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Oh, and specifically to this point:


"they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it."


No. It's a story. As a writer, I feel no remorse over any characters that die because I wrote them that way. It's the same with video games. As a video game player (or, in this case, an MMO paying customer) I am making decisions for fictional characters who affect fictional places and things. None of this is real. At least, in regards to how non-player characters or non-player places are affected. You should keep that in mind. You might sleep better at night. There is no need to mourn over all the dead of Taris. They were never real to begin with. /comfort


Do you feel remorse for all the pretend beings you've personally pretended to slay in any video game you've played?


Feel not for the Koopas, my friend, for they feel not for you.


well,i'll tell ya,i'm not a very big mario fan, so i don't feel for the koopas,or the mushroom people or bowser or anyone that. i feel for people i can relate to in the movies and games.like tron,from the new movie disney put out .i feel for people like revan,who feel lost and alone.i feel for people that don't feel like they fit in,you can call me crazy all you wish,but i feel for the little kid who just lost both of his parents in a freak accident and never got the chance to say goodbye to the only people in the world who would ever love him.


so let me ask you,my friend,


do you feel anything at all? do you feel any remorse for people who live on the streets,with no one to care wheather they live or die?


have you ever though about that? because thats what i think of when i kill those "pretend beings"

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Does anyone else remember playing knights of the old repubilc?because when i went to taris with my gunsliger i found the endar spire.i felt kindof said and wanted to play that game again.does anyone else feel kind of bummed because when all those people are going a round looking for all the holojournals about the people and the promiesd land,they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it. did anyone else feel like that when they went on taris?just wondering


At first, I have to admit, I was somewhat bummed that they didn't make it; especially when I tried to estimate how long they did survive, albeit in increasingly rotten circumstances.



If the last holo was the 13th keeper of knowledge after Rukil, and at least the first 6 or so had normal lifespans, they must have lasted almost all the way up to the start of the resettlement efforts. They were >< THAT CLOSE to being saved



But then I thought ... if I hadn't led them there, they would have perished in the bombardment, probably crushed by falling hospitals, which sets the irony meter waaaaaaay too high for my liking. ;)

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well,i'll tell ya,i'm not a very big mario fan, so i don't feel for the koopas,or the mushroom people or bowser or anyone that. i feel for people i can relate to in the movies and games.like tron,from the new movie disney put out .i feel for people like revan,who feel lost and alone.i feel for people that don't feel like they fit in,you can call me crazy all you wish,but i feel for the little kid who just lost both of his parents in a freak accident and never got the chance to say goodbye to the only people in the world who would ever love him.


so let me ask you,my friend,


do you feel anything at all? do you feel any remorse for people who live on the streets,with no one to care wheather they live or die?


have you ever though about that? because thats what i think of when i kill those "pretend beings"


Well, I guess this is the difference: I separate real life from fiction. Sure, I would feel remorse if the beings I was killing or otherwise harming were real. I do feel bad for the homeless who didn't put themselves there for making poor life choices. At the same time, the fact that video game creatures (and those in movies, etc) are not real removes any guilt associated with it. Otherwise, why would I ever torture myself by playing most video games?


Yes, I do have empathy and when I watch a movie I do feel for the characters. To me, that is the entire point of watching a movie. However, I get over it fairly quick. Ever heard "it's just a movie?" That's why people say it. It's just a movie. Just like this is just a video game.


No hard feelings. It's cool that you are so empathetic. I do get what you're saying. Yes, I did feel a little sad upon discovering the fate of Taris, but it was the same as when I feel for a character in a movie. I felt it. I acknowledged it (actually thinking it was cool that a story evoked some sort of reaction), but then I moved on. Honestly, I only responded because it seemed like you were taking it a little too hard. Again, it's all good with me that you have a lingering feeling. I'd say embrace it because it's amazing when a story is so well written (especially in a video game) that it leaves lingering feelings.


Honestly, if my fiction writing evokes that sort of response from people, I'd feel pretty darn talented.


I still think seeing the effects of time (good or bad) is a cool feature of playing SWTOR after having played the first two in the series though.


Take care.

Edited by InnerPieces
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i think they desperately need to borrow from kotor 1 and 2`s power..use those discs like a holocron man!



there are alot of things that could be taken straight out of kotor,polished up abit,and make stunning additions to the game

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Well, I guess this is the difference: I separate real life from fiction. Sure, I would feel remorse if the beings I was killing or otherwise harming were real. I do feel bad for the homeless who didn't put themselves there for making poor life choices. At the same time, the fact that video game creatures (and those in movies, etc) are not real removes any guilt associated with it. Otherwise, why would I ever torture myself by playing most video games?


Yes, I do have empathy and when I watch a movie I do feel for the characters. To me, that is the entire point of watching a movie. However, I get over it fairly quick. Ever heard "it's just a movie?" That's why people say it. It's just a movie. Just like this is just a video game.


No hard feelings. It's cool that you are so empathetic. I do get what you're saying. Yes, I did feel a little sad upon discovering the fate of Taris, but it was the same as when I feel for a character in a movie. I felt it. I acknowledged it (actually thinking it was cool that a story evoked some sort of reaction), but then I moved on. Honestly, I only responded because it seemed like you were taking it a little too hard. Again, it's all good with me that you have a lingering feeling. I'd say embrace it because it's amazing when a story is so well written (especially in a video game) that it leaves lingering feelings.


Honestly, if my fiction writing evokes that sort of response from people, I'd feel pretty darn talented.


I still think seeing the effects of time (good or bad) is a cool feature of playing SWTOR after having played the first two in the series though.


Take care.


yeah i did take it over the top.i'm sorry man on how i lost it.i just like pretending that i'm the one in the movie and that i'm the one in the game.i only do it becuase i'm hoping to get away from the real world and away from my horrible sucky life.


it's like you said,


no hard feelings

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yeah i did take it over the top.i'm sorry man on how i lost it.i just like pretending that i'm the one in the movie and that i'm the one in the game.i only do it becuase i'm hoping to get away from the real world and away from my horrible sucky life.


it's like you said,


no hard feelings


that guy you quoted,i disagree with him....


i deal with the whole thing not with a process of dissassociation....but with mental partitioning...


one part of me lives irl...and is normal,i think...does irl stuff,pays bills,works,and so on



the other part of me lives on whichever game i be playing.....that part of me becomes the character...feels pity,feels remorse,rage,love,sorrow,greif....in every way as if it were actually the character itself



and both of these mental partitions are managed by the core programming with a hyper-visor like command suite


abit odd i know,but it works out much better,and makes things alot sweeter....youll have a much richer experience




hyper-visory command core= me


operating system 1: irl self

operating system 2: amorphous online self (amorphous in this context meaning without form or substance


Edited by Baphomet_x
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Well, ill tell you one thing... Ill never get those journals again if I ever play through KotOR again. What for? May as well let them die with the rest of Taris.


i think you can actually avoid the quest for the journals entirely

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You can also give them to the shady merchant for a cash reward. They're all going to die anyway...you might as well make some money in the deal. :D


oh come now..id rather just kill that guy and steal his stuff....that guy barely gives any quest reward at all (ive played through most versions of the quests on kotor 1 and 2,though not all)

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Well, ill tell you one thing... Ill never get those journals again if I ever play through KotOR again. What for? May as well let them die with the rest of Taris.


But they don't die. They live with hope and purpose. And their children don't die. And their grandchildren, and so on for 13 generations, which, frankly, is longer than my family have been living in Australia. Just because you haven't made things all-perfect for all-time doesn't mean you haven't done some good.


(Yes, yes, I know -- it's a video game. But if we're arguing consequences, we may as well at least see them clearly.).

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If the last holo was the 13th keeper of knowledge after Rukil, and at least the first 6 or so had normal lifespans, they must have lasted almost all the way up to the start of the resettlement efforts. They were >< THAT CLOSE to being saved



But then I thought ... if I hadn't led them there, they would have perished in the bombardment, probably crushed by falling hospitals, which sets the irony meter waaaaaaay too high for my liking. ;)


And it gets even a cynical twist when you connect it


to the quest were you discover the whole Taris government of that time frozen, but alive and well in their prepared bunker, i.e. the people who were mainly responsible for Rukils peoples misery in the first place.


Edited by Intarabus
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But then I thought ... if I hadn't led them there, they would have perished in the bombardment, probably crushed by falling hospitals, which sets the irony meter waaaaaaay too high for my liking. ;)


I think them getting crushed or blown up during the bombardment of Taris would have been more merciful than having to deal with the Rakghouls.

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But they don't die. They live with hope and purpose. And their children don't die. And their grandchildren, and so on for 13 generations, which, frankly, is longer than my family have been living in Australia. Just because you haven't made things all-perfect for all-time doesn't mean you haven't done some good.


(Yes, yes, I know -- it's a video game. But if we're arguing consequences, we may as well at least see them clearly.).


To play along... that's actually a great point, in my opinion. You have to figure they were doomed immediately to begin with. As you point out, they actually survive well beyond the ancestors we helped back in KOTOR. Technically, I'd say we did our part and it was for the better of those we helped. It only fell a part generations afterward which, by my estimation, puts it well out of our hands. If you follow my logic, technically we are dead and gone by the time Taris falls.



To clarify one point... it's not that I totally disassociate myself from the experience (whether it be a movie or video game or even a great book). It's that I don't dwell on it. I take it in. I experience it. I let it go. If I held on to every (or really any) feeling I felt from a fictional source, I fear I would eventually become overwhelmed and possibly become a basket-case.


To the OP, it was never my intention to suggest my way of thinking or feeling was any better than yours. I honestly thought you were joking at first. No matter how bad my life has been I know it pales in comparison to many of the difficulties others face. At the end of the day, deal with life however you can. Everyone seems to have an opinion about how others should think, feel, or live their lives. That wasn't my intention, however.


Good journeys...

Edited by InnerPieces
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Does anyone else remember playing knights of the old repubilc?because when i went to taris with my gunsliger i found the endar spire.i felt kindof said and wanted to play that game again.does anyone else feel kind of bummed because when all those people are going a round looking for all the holojournals about the people and the promiesd land,they'll have zero idea that YOU where the one who lead them there,YOU where the person that gave them hope to go their because YOU went into the sewers and found all three journals and gave them to rukil wrikle skin.it was YOU.it was THE PLAYER who did it. did anyone else feel like that when they went on taris?just wondering


Since i never actually helped them completely because they were insane to do that, i didnt care that much.


It was, however, a sad sad ending, i also feel like they should have moved more than 100 feet every 50 years, but i guess you cant make their encampment faraway gamewise.

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Greetings everyone!


For those feeling nostalgic about KOTOR and looking for references of it in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, there is another thread that you may be interested in:


A quick reminder to please use the available SPOILER tags when sharing something that spoils the story! You can use them like this:



(Information here.)



That will give you this:



(Information here.)

Thank you for your understanding and help keeping this forum spoiler-free!


Enjoy your discussion!

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Greetings everyone!


For those feeling nostalgic about KOTOR and looking for references of it in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, there is another thread that you may be interested in:


A quick reminder to please use the available SPOILER tags when sharing something that spoils the story! You can use them like this:



(Information here.)



That will give you this:



(Information here.)

Thank you for your understanding and help keeping this forum spoiler-free!


Enjoy your discussion!


Hah! Awesome. I totally overlooked that thread. Thank you!

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  • 4 weeks later...
to play along... That's actually a great point, in my opinion. You have to figure they were doomed immediately to begin with. As you point out, they actually survive well beyond the ancestors we helped back in kotor. Technically, i'd say we did our part and it was for the better of those we helped. It only fell a part generations afterward which, by my estimation, puts it well out of our hands. If you follow my logic, technically we are dead and gone by the time taris falls.



To clarify one point... It's not that i totally disassociate myself from the experience (whether it be a movie or video game or even a great book). It's that i don't dwell on it. I take it in. I experience it. I let it go. If i held on to every (or really any) feeling i felt from a fictional source, i fear i would eventually become overwhelmed and possibly become a basket-case.


To the op, it was never my intention to suggest my way of thinking or feeling was any better than yours. I honestly thought you were joking at first. No matter how bad my life has been i know it pales in comparison to many of the difficulties others face. At the end of the day, deal with life however you can. Everyone seems to have an opinion about how others should think, feel, or live their lives. That wasn't my intention, however.


Good journeys...


why would i joke about something like that!!!

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