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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Load times


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We've came from "average" to "esrimated relative average".

I haven't laugh so much in my life reading a post.



Like I said, I should have been more precised so we can understand each other better. This is why I wrote "estimated relative average loading time" which is still an average. Btw, did you read my post about the absolute vs relative loading times because it's like if you didn't at all. :(

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I'll try to record some ingame videos but I never did that though.


Of course I agree that loading times are way too long for many players and I really wish that those players will see some improvements. Having to wait 2-4 minutes when travelling to a planet or a warzone, I can only imagine how frustrating it must be.


It was the first time I used the software Fraps. It's a really cool software. :) To edit the videos, I used VideoPad Video Editor.


This is from the Character Selection Screen to the Republic Fleet.

This time, it was 17 seconds instead of the previous 14 seconds.


This is from the Republic Fleet to the Jedi Knight Hangar.

This time, it was 3 seconds instead of the previous 4 seconds.


This is from the Jedi Knight Hangar to the Defender.

This time, it was 10 seconds instead of the previous 8 seconds.


This is from the Defender to the Belsavis Republic Orbital Station.

This time, it was 40 seconds instead of the previous 34 seconds.


I'll try to record some more sequences with the Group Finder, some flashpoints and the Emergency Fleet Pass but I promise nothing.

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When are loads times going to be address. They are so poor it's shocking. I'm on an i7 rig with 12GB RAM and the loads times are just wee wee (censored version) poor.


Some planets I just don't bother to queue for warzone from because I know the load time are going to be shocking. Tatooine is one of them.


Buy an SSD. I have practically zero load times.

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It was the first time I used the software Fraps. It's a really cool software. :) To edit the videos, I used VideoPad Video Editor.


This is from the Character Selection Screen to the Republic Fleet.

This time, it was 17 seconds instead of the previous 14 seconds.


This is from the Republic Fleet to the Jedi Knight Hangar.

This time, it was 3 seconds instead of the previous 4 seconds.


This is from the Jedi Knight Hangar to the Defender.

This time, it was 10 seconds instead of the previous 8 seconds.


This is from the Defender to the Belsavis Republic Orbital Station.

This time, it was 40 seconds instead of the previous 34 seconds.


I'll try to record some more sequences with the Group Finder, some flashpoints and the Emergency Fleet Pass but I promise nothing.


Well the issue here is that you are including the elevators in your average when they aren't actually loading anything. They used to use the fade to black sequence but now they're showing the loading screen image instead. It's all artifical and really should be removed from the game.


The reason why WZ, ships, and space missions have short load times is because they only have a small area that needs to loaded on our computers. What needs to be changed is how planets are loaded instead of having us load the entire planet and space station in one go they need to take advantage of the planet zones and only have us load the initial area we zone in and have the rest of the planet streamed to us in the background while we travel wherever we wanted to go.

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You may find these reads interesting:






I've suffered from long-ish load times myself. And here is what I've found: There are two stages of loading, one requires some handshaking with the server to define the assets to load. This is the initial load which gets the bar to about 25%, where for many it hangs for a while. Since this is a server communication issue I haven't found a solution.


The second stage is the loading of the assets from your hard drive. This is where the RAMDISK solution or an SSD offer you a benefit. If you break up your load time into these two stages you'll get a good idea if an SSD or RAMDISK solution will really improve your gaming experience.


What I don't understand is why some people's server side portion of the load is so much faster than mine. Where do you live? What is your internet speed? Are you on a wired or wireless connection? What kind of network card do you use...there has to be something causing the disparity between higher end systems that is substantial.

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