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Current matchmaking is a dismal failure


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A bit dramatic but the sentiment has been expressed in discussions and in the forums. The top tier of the brackets should ideally be a reflection of the best teams of the moment fighting it out in upper echelons of the bracket. Over time as other teams get their execution right ( gain higher rank ) they will get matched up frequently with the top teams.


Current reality

1. ) Timer

1900 - 2000 + teams being matched up IMMEDIATELY with teams as low as 1100 - 1300. The matchmaking timer or whatever needs to be tuned so there is a much LONGER gap period before this set of circumstances with huge disparity is allowed to happen.


2. ) Grinding vs actual reflection

The system is such that it allows certain teams above 2000 to "grind" small but assured number of points against much much lower ranked teams. This farce is happening due to the FREQUENCY of which even "pug groups" are matched up against the top rated team over and over. This problem happens in other games too but surely some tuning is possible to place more emphasis on the rating aspect of fighting similar strength teams versus grinding it out over time. Perhaps even a cap on number of low ranked ( 1100 - 1400 ) teams one can face daily.


3. ) Horror of horrors an actual fight

If invariably through some error in the matchmaking system the current top 2 teams match up, it seems that the top rated one after incurring loss decides it is not a good time to que anymore.


4. ) Disparity in matchmaking

On my server, many of the lower ranked teams have faced the current top two teams 4 to 6 times EACH. But the funny thing is the top two teams only finally met 2 days ago !! Since one of the teams plays so frequently this was alarming but the clincher was the fact they have only met a total of 2 times ......



I would suggest extra time allocation be given to finding matchmaking within a clear demarcation like ( 1000 - 1600 / 1601 - 2xxx ). If there is a chance a higher ranked team will come out of a ranked wz ( 15 mins ) and be matched up against a waiting high ranked team it should be allowed to happen. Only if a reasonable amount of time has passed would they get match against the lower bracket. If teams that are just getting their footing get beat by top teams on a daily basis it defeats the whole purpose of nurturing a competitive gaming environment over time. Some teams need time to form good compositions & peak but the current haphazard system is not conducive to the long term viability of ranked wz. More likely they will get pissed at the matchup and stop qui-ing. I am sure in the long run even the top team want a strong field with depth and variety to fight against.


Feel free to state situation on your server as well as opinions.

Edited by Stovokor
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Sincerely, i dont see any room for optimism regarding the future of this matchmaking system. More than a half of current warzones is where one team completely dominates another. After a 10 loosing streak in ranked and unranked i start questioning myself, why should i play this game any longer? No matter what i do and how well i play, no matter how much i try to be a team player and communicate our every move, we still end up against much stronger higher ranked teams.


And then when i get to p,lay with a different team i end up being on the other side completely decimating the opposition without giving them a single chance.


I have suspisions tha the developer responsible for match making algorythm hasn't put much thought in it. Probably the algorythm for it is so ridiculously simple, that anyone here could understand its principles.


Currently the only happy players with the system are top ranked guilds, but hpw long can you keep even them playing if you dont give these guys a challenge? I know players that unsubbed in february because they ended up completely dominating the pvp on our server within the first month of play.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Its pre season, the plan is for cross server rated bgs and then you wont meet high rated teams so much. There is not a large enough pool enough players for it to work well, i would of thought that was pretty obvious..
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Its pre season, the plan is for cross server rated bgs and then you wont meet high rated teams so much. There is not a large enough pool enough players for it to work well, i would of thought that was pretty obvious..


Well, i am not sure how large the player pool will be. Within our time zone with have max 4 extra servers.

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Its pre season, the plan is for cross server rated bgs and then you wont meet high rated teams so much. There is not a large enough pool enough players for it to work well, i would of thought that was pretty obvious..


^ this.


Click heels three times for instant development!

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Working fine for my server.


I've never once played against the top 2 teams (i'm 1400ish atm)


I don't know what you honestly expect. You get matched against the closest ranked group in the queue. Not really biowares fault they are 10x better than you. People will whine about anything I guess.

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Its pre season, the plan is for cross server rated bgs and then you wont meet high rated teams so much. There is not a large enough pool enough players for it to work well, i would of thought that was pretty obvious..

when did they say their plan is for cross server?

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On The Bastion there are two teams above 2000 rating and they que dodge each other so they only come up against much lower rated teams. I know this for a fact because these teams stream and after every stomp of a 1300 rated team they open up /who and check to see where the other high rated team is. My casual after work 1200/1300 rated team is constantly playing one or two 2k rated teams who play all day. The matchmaking doesn't work currently. Edited by gryhmr
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On The Bastion there are two teams above 2000 rating and they que dodge each other so they only come up against much lower rated teams. I know this for a fact because these teams stream and after every stomp of a 1300 rated team they open up /who and check to see where the other high rated team is. My casual after work 1200/1300 rated team is constantly playing one or two 2k rated teams who play all day. The matchmaking doesn't work currently.


Again, it's only PRE-SEASON so it's all fun and games.


TBH, I don't expect a casual team to ever beat a hard core team that plays hours on end.


I watch those guys on Twitch too and they are very good and deserve to be so given the number of games they play.

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On The Bastion there are two teams above 2000 rating and they que dodge each other so they only come up against much lower rated teams. I know this for a fact because these teams stream and after every stomp of a 1300 rated team they open up /who and check to see where the other high rated team is. My casual after work 1200/1300 rated team is constantly playing one or two 2k rated teams who play all day. The matchmaking doesn't work currently.


im 1400, never played either of them, once.

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  • 1 month later...
On The Bastion there are two teams above 2000 rating and they que dodge each other so they only come up against much lower rated teams. I know this for a fact because these teams stream and after every stomp of a 1300 rated team they open up /who and check to see where the other high rated team is. My casual after work 1200/1300 rated team is constantly playing one or two 2k rated teams who play all day. The matchmaking doesn't work currently.


There are way more than two teams above 2000+ on the Bastion. I'm guessing 3 on republic and 5 on empire side.


What evidence do you have good teams are queue dodging? Pretty sure most top teams want to play against each other if both teams are online. Playing 1-3 point games is boring.


I agree the queue system sucks. It's ridiculous to match 3000 rating with 1200 rating. I've seen so many pugs/weaker guilds give up after a single game because they got destroyed by a team much better than them.

Edited by Antipodes
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A bit dramatic but the sentiment has been expressed in discussions and in the forums. The top tier of the brackets should ideally be a reflection of the best teams of the moment fighting it out in upper echelons of the bracket. Over time as other teams get their execution right ( gain higher rank ) they will get matched up frequently with the top teams.


Current reality

1. ) Timer

1900 - 2000 + teams being matched up IMMEDIATELY with teams as low as 1100 - 1300. The matchmaking timer or whatever needs to be tuned so there is a much LONGER gap period before this set of circumstances with huge disparity is allowed to happen.


2. ) Grinding vs actual reflection

The system is such that it allows certain teams above 2000 to "grind" small but assured number of points against much much lower ranked teams. This farce is happening due to the FREQUENCY of which even "pug groups" are matched up against the top rated team over and over. This problem happens in other games too but surely some tuning is possible to place more emphasis on the rating aspect of fighting similar strength teams versus grinding it out over time. Perhaps even a cap on number of low ranked ( 1100 - 1400 ) teams one can face daily.


3. ) Horror of horrors an actual fight

If invariably through some error in the matchmaking system the current top 2 teams match up, it seems that the top rated one after incurring loss decides it is not a good time to que anymore.


4. ) Disparity in matchmaking

On my server, many of the lower ranked teams have faced the current top two teams 4 to 6 times EACH. But the funny thing is the top two teams only finally met 2 days ago !! Since one of the teams plays so frequently this was alarming but the clincher was the fact they have only met a total of 2 times ......



I would suggest extra time allocation be given to finding matchmaking within a clear demarcation like ( 1000 - 1600 / 1601 - 2xxx ). If there is a chance a higher ranked team will come out of a ranked wz ( 15 mins ) and be matched up against a waiting high ranked team it should be allowed to happen. Only if a reasonable amount of time has passed would they get match against the lower bracket. If teams that are just getting their footing get beat by top teams on a daily basis it defeats the whole purpose of nurturing a competitive gaming environment over time. Some teams need time to form good compositions & peak but the current haphazard system is not conducive to the long term viability of ranked wz. More likely they will get pissed at the matchup and stop qui-ing. I am sure in the long run even the top team want a strong field with depth and variety to fight against.


Feel free to state situation on your server as well as opinions.


This is a great post. I would re-create it in the suggestion box in the hopes that the dev's read it

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Working fine for my server.


I've never once played against the top 2 teams (i'm 1400ish atm)


I don't know what you honestly expect. You get matched against the closest ranked group in the queue. Not really biowares fault they are 10x better than you. People will whine about anything I guess.


Well if the rank thing is working in theory you would play some one of your own "skill" jumping in now with out mass prep is just signing up for a rolfstomp

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There are way more than two teams above 2000+ on the Bastion. I'm guessing 3 on republic and 5 on empire side.


I agree the queue system sucks. It's ridiculous to match 3000 rating with 1200 rating. I've seen so many pugs/weaker guilds give up after a single game because they got destroyed by a team much better than them.


You also necro'd a thread over a month old, congrats! Also, this is pre-season, there is NO match making system until season 1.


/bell rings

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