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Juggernaut or Marauder?


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Hello, folks. I'm brand new to the game, and I'm sure this question has been asked about a thousand times before, but I haven't seen any answers to it since the latest patch, so that may have changed things.


Pretty simple, though. Should I go Juggernaut or Guardian on my warrior? I want to be capable of good PVE damage, holding my own in PVP, and not necessarily always being seen as just the tank, as I think my MMO tanking days are coming to an end. I like the single-bladed style of the Jugg better visually, but eh, if I have to go Marauder, I suppose I will.

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Juggs/Guardians as DPS have a lot more mobility and assisting power than people give them credit for. Honestly if you play a Marauder it's all about the beat down. If you play a Jugg you can do beat downs, and if things go crazy you can pick up adds, tank OPs bosses (for a short time for that last few %) and reign in the chaos. Jugg is harder work as a damage than a Marauder, but the pay off is exceptional.
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Well, I'll primarily be soloing, I'll do the occasional PUG to see flashpoints, and I'll PvP a little, but I doubt it'll be the focus. Ops are right out - my raiding days are over, I think. Just don't have the will for it anymore.


Marauder, on the surface, sounds like it'll provide a more enjoyable leveling experience, and be better at the things I want to do. Unfortunately, I'm not partial to two lightsabers, and Marauder armor universally looks terrible.

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