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Yipee maintenance


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this MMO is made in "my country" and those hours are during my normal prime time....... i haven't complained about the maintenance because those are the hours BW have been using for maintenance since beta.


i just find your post funny because you seem to assume every one works the same hours you do. you do know jobs have these things called shifts right? some people work second shift some work third shift. second shift would put people getting off work and coming home about 12-1 am EST so that would put maintenance right in their prime time.


i am just pointing this out because from some of the responses i have seen in this type of thread it seems some people think when they log off to go to bed the world stops till they log on again.


Yes I do understand shift work. I am in the Navy and work 7pm-7am so It affects me also. But I also am not whining and I understand why they choose the times they do.

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No yippee from me...


I'm another New Zealand gamer, and being unable to play a game that I pay to play is unacceptable. Yeah yeah you'll say go do something else, and you know what I do... but when I want to play a game I bought, and pay a subscription for I expect to be able to play it.


I understand that BW want's to run updates in the downtime of the US, but how about you do rolling updates of each server in downtime for that region? Surely it's not that hard...


Either that or show us antipedians some love and credit us a day for each prime time unscheduled downtime you do which results in us not being able to play.


I enjoy the game... but I hate wasting money, and that's what it feels like sometimes...

Edited by gooddevil
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hmm yeat again loads of posts and ... nothing from bioware ... and therin lies the main issue really dosnt it?


ok ok edit there was a moderation post removing some content ... but other than that nothing. one is begining to wonder if AP cutsomers are actulally wanted by this company.

Edited by dupela
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I'd rather have maintenance and bug fixes rather than nothing. Thankfully I'm able to amuse myself whilst the game is down either by reading a book, watching a DVD or meeting up with friends. Edited by Vitas
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I got burned by the maintenance during a time I was looking forward to spend playing, and I was irritated about it. Still am.


However, I work on the operations team of a rather well known internet provider, and I understand that emergency maintenance decisions are not made lightly. There's alot that goes on behind the scenes, and any company worth their salt has to go through a few checks, at least one of which usually involves management signoff, in order to take stuff down for unplanned maints. Given the recent patch, I'm not entirely surprised it's being followed up with a flurry of emergency work.


Alot goes on behind the scenes that we'll never know about, and given my own experiences, I'm willing to extend Bioware the benefit of the doubt. But they only get so much grace. As a recent re-subscription, they have a limited window with which to show me that they're not going to waste my time, and therefore my money. If this becomes a habitual thing, I'll decide to go back to keeping my money.

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patch to fix a patch which fixed a patch and so on and so forth


more bw fail


Its unbelievable how fast people have their memories erased from a near past before SWTOR. I still remember days in all other games that instead of a few hours of maintenance would be days after days with problems popping up after a patch, not to mention raids being cancelled cause all of the conflicts with addons etc...

Idd some people of this community just moan for the sake of moaning.

And the most interesting thing is that those problems are still happening now a days but noooo sir... its BW that fails when they deliver you way less problems than others.


Edited by Kophar
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