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Do PT's grapple a single mob from a group and ignore the rest of the mobs?


I've been doing LFG HM FP's quite a bit since 1.3. Before 1.3 I duo'd most FP's on HM, and as you can see by my sig, I have multiple 50's, know their roles, and how to play them.


The biggest problem I've come across is a few times I've ended up in groups with PT's as tanks and they religiously get close enough to a group of mobs to grapple out a single mob and concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else. On several occasions they'd pull a single mob, then move backwards to put themselves back at 5-10m range. The whole time I'm thinking "***?" In the meantime, the rest of the mobs are shooting the healer, and the tank is clueless unless told that the healer is tanking mobs. FP's that I've duo'd in a half hour have taken 45 min to an hour to complete because of incompetent tanks.


So for all those PT tanks out there, you need to get up close and personal with the mobs if you have any hope of keeping aggro on them. With the recent changes, it's simple to keep the adds off your group members. Your abilities work best from within 10m, not at 20-30m. Grapple should be used to pull in ranged stragglers or melee mobs that go after your group members (who should be 20-30m away from the bulk of the fight).

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With server transfers and group finders, you are now being thrown into a larger "gene" pool. A larger gene pool does not always mean better gene's. Meaning lots of casuals and people who just don't bother to take the time to learn their class or group mechanics. Just try to educate them when you can.
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As a tank, I have seen many things in FP's since the group finder launched. I don't think tanking is the only roll being played poorly, I've seen really amazing healers but for every good healer there are half a dozen bad ones, my favorite was one guy who proclaimed he was DRUN***K! after we wiped for the third time. Also I've had to pick up the role of dps as well since I constantly see dps hammering away on an elite mob that was initially cc'd while I'm stuck finishing off those 3 normal mobs that are off to the side and have been completly ignored. Edited by jadjay
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Yeah... That doesn't make sense either... I mean with my tankassin, I don't use my force pull on a mob unless if it's one by himself. Popping the AoE taunt, even on regular mobs is fine enough.


I've maybe had to deal with 1 really bad group in HM BT, but that was more because the DPS were retarded and the healer didn't feel like healing all that much.


When I'm dealing with trash mobs in FPs I generally just let loose my AoE moves that do provide some threat and they perhaps do attack me, but generally my group is competent enough to kill them fast so I don't need to pop AoE taunts all the time. I mean it's on a 45 second cooldown and most fights take like less than 10 seconds...

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As a tank, I have seen many things in FP's since the group finder launched. I don't think tanking is the only roll being played poorly, I've seen really amazing healers but for every good healer there are half a dozen bad ones, my favorite was one guy who proclaimed he was DRUN***K! after we wiped for the third time. Also I've had to pick up the role of dps as well since I constantly see dps hammering away on an elite mob that was initially cc'd while I'm stuck finishing off those 3 normal mobs that are off to the side and have been completly ignored.


Yeah. I was in a group with one guy (dps) that would cc a mob, then attack it first. It was a bit frustrating. But we muddled through it.

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on most of these packs you have some silvers, maybe 1 or 2 gold star, bunch of standard or weak dudes..


i dont really care about the threat on weak dudes so i will slap a sticky round onto one, probably shoot my area taunt if there is a second cluster, and grapple in a main target if the rest is CCed.


that's the only time it'd break down like that where I'm pulling in a target as opposed to doing charge and some free sweeps that we now get. all dependent on whats CCed and what I need to stick to me to set up


basically dps needs to be going after the weakest dudes and getting them down immediately, this really should not be a problem to be having where you have ignored guys that arent cced and aren't being dealt with first by your damage.

Edited by mrObtuse
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@PorsaLindahl: they are not tanks, they are some guys who do not give a damn to everyone else, except hoping you will carry them through. As a full time tank, you have my sympathy, there is nothing worse for a healer other than a tank who does not care to draw aggro.
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Grapple?! Why pass up a chance to use a rocket pack and two heat free fire pin wheels? My two favorite abilities.


A lot of people just get lazy in HMs and do things like ignore the weaks and focus on the biggest and baddest target the whole time the tank is running around trying to tap every mob and the healer is getting pounded...and then the DPS pulls agro on the big baddy because the Tank is running around gathering things up trying to save the heals.


Best way to fix that situation, call those players out. You don't need to be rude but better geared players have been around long enough to know better and will straighten up when you call them out. You can help newer players understand too. They may be used to running with over geared groups that can absorb the extra damage and didn't play when everyone was in leveling blues trying to do HMs.

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Do PT's grapple a single mob from a group and ignore the rest of the mobs?


I've been doing LFG HM FP's quite a bit since 1.3. Before 1.3 I duo'd most FP's on HM, and as you can see by my sig, I have multiple 50's, know their roles, and how to play them.


The biggest problem I've come across is a few times I've ended up in groups with PT's as tanks and they religiously get close enough to a group of mobs to grapple out a single mob and concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else. On several occasions they'd pull a single mob, then move backwards to put themselves back at 5-10m range. The whole time I'm thinking "***?" In the meantime, the rest of the mobs are shooting the healer, and the tank is clueless unless told that the healer is tanking mobs. FP's that I've duo'd in a half hour have taken 45 min to an hour to complete because of incompetent tanks.


So for all those PT tanks out there, you need to get up close and personal with the mobs if you have any hope of keeping aggro on them. With the recent changes, it's simple to keep the adds off your group members. Your abilities work best from within 10m, not at 20-30m. Grapple should be used to pull in ranged stragglers or melee mobs that go after your group members (who should be 20-30m away from the bulk of the fight).


This is why I play a tank! :)


Sorry you've had such a crummy time with your PUG tanks. My wife plays a healer so we have our basis covered, when we queue together (95% of the time) it does not even take 1 full second for the group window to pop up, its rather comic.


As another poster stated: Why Grapple when you can Jet Charge/Pinwheel x2!

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As a tank, I have seen many things in FP's since the group finder launched. I don't think tanking is the only roll being played poorly, I've seen really amazing healers but for every good healer there are half a dozen bad ones, my favorite was one guy who proclaimed he was DRUN***K! after we wiped for the third time. Also I've had to pick up the role of dps as well since I constantly see dps hammering away on an elite mob that was initially cc'd while I'm stuck finishing off those 3 normal mobs that are off to the side and have been completly ignored.


lol know what? This is a very popular excuse. Is this actually what people are resorting to? Why can a player not just say "I am sorry I am newer to the class / I am sorry I only play casually / I am sorry I do not know this instance very well" instead of just saying that they are drunk. This is no word of a lie what I am about to say. Last weekend I queued up and played about four flashpoint on my (then) level 43 Powertech. Out of those four flashpoints I think three of them someone in the group kept saying sorry because they were "drunk" or "wasted". Ha ha. It really is quite humerous that this is the best excuse people can come up with now. I just come out and honestly say to people "Hey just so you know I've never done this fight before and I only play some times on weekends so I'm not all that good." If they don't like it, tough... kick me from the group or give me a chance.

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