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Pacify in pvp?

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Just curious, I know that pt and vg tank accuracy debuffs aren't really useful in pvp, but is pacify worth it with the 90% debuff? I have used it a few times in pvp but im usually in such a cluster-**** that I cannot really tell lol. Anyone run some numbers on it, or just know for fact whether its useful in pvp?


Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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Yes it does work and it is viable you just have to know the AC's to apply it to and whom not to bother with. Only use it on AC's that rely heavily on melee and ranged attacks, not on AC's where most of their abilities are Tech/Force. That means my top targets for pacify are Slingers/Snipers and fellow Sents/Maras.


Don't bother throwing it on any of the Sage/Sorc builds, same goes for Pyrotech builds (and the mirror who's name I forget right now). It's a mixed bag when it comes to Shadow/Sin and Scoundrel/Operative. They do rely on some melee/ranged attacks but also have some heavy hitting force/tech attacks, so if it's free and no one else is around, throw it on them too.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Yes it does work and it is viable you just have to know the AC's to apply it to and whom not to bother with. Only use it on AC's that rely heavily on melee and ranged attacks, not on AC's where most of their abilities are Tech/Force. That means my top targets for pacify are Slingers/Snipers and fellow Sents/Maras.


Don't bother throwing it on any of the Sage/Sorc builds, same goes for Pyrotech builds (and the mirror who's name I forget right now). It's a mixed bag when it comes to Shadow/Sin and Scoundrel/Operative. They do rely on some melee/ranged attacks but also have some heavy hitting force/tech attacks, so if it's free and no one else is around, throw it on them too.


He pretty much nailed it, but I disagree with the Pyrotech. Sure, a lot of their damage isn't, but making them miss one of those railshots can be the difference between winning or losing.

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