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Anyone else dislike how Jedi Knights run?


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So I made a new character today, a Jedi Knight.


After a few minutes I found myself running with my weapon out and I think he looked really stupid, needing two hands to hold a lightsaber.


I already have a Sith Assassin, Sith Juggernaut and a Jedi Sage and have never had a problem before but I decided to delete the toon and make a Smuggler instead.


Does anyone else think the Jedi Knights running animation is a little stupid?


I would prefer him to run the way Obi-Wan Kenobi runs as he tries to catch up to Qui-Gon and Darth Maul. He's running quite fast and holding the lightsaber in one hand. It looks much more smooth and doesn't look as though he's struggling to carry the lightsaber.

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lol my first thought when seeing the Jedi Knight run with his lightsaber out is that he looks like he's chasing someone down with a baseball bat.


That being said, the style has actually grown on me as I played him, I rather like it now.


Haha! That's a brilliant way to describe how he runs. Definitely not very Jedi like.


I'll just play Smuggler instead :rolleyes:

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My Sentinel, I think, looks pretty cool running with her lightsabers out, but that's duel wielding. My Jugg does look a bit awkward, however whats even more awkward is the looks of the Jugg while fighting. It looks like the lightsaber is made of paper. Like it has no mass, I don't know it's hard to describe, but doesn't look right. lol
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Yeah I have to agree with the OP, its why I deleted my Guardian and re-rolled a Sentinal instead, I mean all force user classes on both factions run with the saber in the same way except the Guardian...and its true it does look like he's chasing someone with a baseball bat.. I mean if you stand still your toon swings the saber up and down like they do at the home plate.

Ive basicly turned my jugg into a jedi simply because the way he holds the saber.. but the animation etc looks so much better on the imp side


I always have visions when running with my saber out as a Guardian that if he were to trip up he woould be face planting his saber with how its held haha

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My Sentinel, I think, looks pretty cool running with her lightsabers out, but that's duel wielding. My Jugg does look a bit awkward, however whats even more awkward is the looks of the Jugg while fighting. It looks like the lightsaber is made of paper. Like it has no mass, I don't know it's hard to describe, but doesn't look right. lol


If effectively doesn't, they are supposed to have a strong gyroscopic effect though, making them hard to wield.

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My favorite is the Jedi Knight above all the others. I think the Jedi Consular fits the force user style though. The Sith Warrior only fits to me because all the animations go well with it. Now before you guys attack because I think the Jedi Knight is the best, let me explain the reasoning behind it.


I envisioned my Jedi Knight to be a physically imposing lightsaber wielder similar to the way Qui-Gon looks. So I gave him Body Type 3 as this is the closest to how Liam Neeson looks to all the smaller actors in the movie. I do not envision my Jedi knight doing all those somersaults and lightsaber twirls. He lights up his saber and stands his ground, both hands on weapon as he defends and blocks.


If you want any further evidence of the look in my mind, watch Liam Neeson in these scenes.



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I have to confess that after starting the game with force sensitive on the empire side, it felt wrong when I first tried the Jedi guardian. I can see now where they got the idea, though I still think its not practical for a jedi to run holding the lightsaber with both hands. Even because if he trips he wont have a free hand to soften the fall...


But thanks for the links, I didnt remember they were holding the lightsabers like that at all.


On a side note, I also feel the urge to say: I WANT OBI WAN AND DARTH MAUL JEDI/SITH UNIFORMS (wich seem somewhat inspired on karate suit) NAOOOOOHHHH!!!! :o

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Lol! It is odd. Yea... but I do like running with my big bright lightsaber out. Not sure what that means....


On the other hand I love the way Shawdows run with that double-bladed saber. The way they reach out with the other hand really gives it... urgency. Anyway, it looks the part.

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I, on the other hand realy cant look at runnin annimation of those jedi/sith classes which hold their left hand forward and right hand with lightsaber bahind. Somehow it remainds me some kid cartoon movies. God i hate it lol Edited by Satanski
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In the original both vader and obi-won used both hands. Who gives a crap...


If all force classes did the same then yeah. But its just the JK Guardian that uses both hands... I can only put it down to the Guardian class being BW's main class storyline in the game so that class has to be "different" in some way or another

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My favorite is the Jedi Knight above all the others. I think the Jedi Consular fits the force user style though. The Sith Warrior only fits to me because all the animations go well with it. Now before you guys attack because I think the Jedi Knight is the best, let me explain the reasoning behind it.


I envisioned my Jedi Knight to be a physically imposing lightsaber wielder similar to the way Qui-Gon looks. So I gave him Body Type 3 as this is the closest to how Liam Neeson looks to all the smaller actors in the movie. I do not envision my Jedi knight doing all those somersaults and lightsaber twirls. He lights up his saber and stands his ground, both hands on weapon as he defends and blocks.


If you want any further evidence of the look in my mind, watch Liam Neeson in these scenes.




Since when was Liam Neeson physically imposing? Lmao

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And I just wish I could use one light saber with my sentinel. I hate how I'm forced to use two. Or what if I wanted to use a double bladed one. They should have never restricted the type of light saber to specific class in my opinion.


But come to think of it, I don't think I ever had any problems with the way the guardian runs...but then again it has been a long time since I played with a guardian...

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