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I am new to Melee


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Hey community. I've got a level 22 Marauder and she is my first attempt to melee in an MMO. I like to lowbie pvp a lot. But I have not had the same success with this character that I've had with my Vanguard and Sage. I seem to die constantly. This is probably because I don't pick my battles very well. Does anyone have any advice for someone that is new to melee dps?


I'm using the Annihilation tree because I enjoy DoT classes. I haven't quite figured out the rotation, so if anyone has any advice for that either, I would appreciate it.

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Melee is a "high-threat" zone - everyone is more likely to target you because of both, psychology and the way tab-targetting works.


One of the most common mistakes that beginner melee players make is tunnel-visioning an enemy and chasing them to the death of the enemy, or their own.


This means two things - first, positioning is even more important than for ranged classes. Charge enemy flanks, and mind ways to escape, or to break line of sight in case you are targeted by more players than you'd like. Second, target-switching and situational awareness. You may not have your execute move now, but you'll learn to love it when you do. Followed by another hard-hitter, it's usually hello med droid for a player who is below 30%. If you can't pursue your target, you also may want to switch.


As a Marauder, you can also serve your team well by peeling enemies off your healers\ball carriers, etc. You have snares, you have roots in Carnage, you have some serious damage.



So, to summarize, as melee, you will be targetted often, so you need to mind where you are. Dead melee doesn't do damage. The less time you spend running from the medcenter, the more damage you can do. Without a pocket healer, play safe. Do not charge into the thick of combat - attack from the sides, pick targets accordingly, do not let yourself get drawn into a brawl. Kill enemy DPS who are on your healers - it's safer than exposing yourself to crossfire.


One more tip - try not to charge if you don't really need to. You'll simply get knocked back, rooted and become a target. Run up, start doing your dirty work. You get slapped aside, you can instantly re-engage as soon as the root wears off. Camo (when you get it) is also an excellent distance closer\cast time\hostile channel interrupt.

Edited by Helig
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Sound advice indeed.


As you've said you are new to melee, period, you may wish to consider a tank type instead - or to step over the line - assassin/shadow instead, this will of course mean you need to role a new character; but that means twice the lowbie pvp.


Assassin/shadow's gain the benefits of being able to pick dps or tanking, with mass utility for both sides of the coin - I'd personally stack all in one way - I spec tank, I gear tank. Works for me.


The Maruader types, for me, aren't that fun because you really have to think of which targets to down first. All about waiting on the right cooldown and unloading on a tank type, or harrassing a healer with this class type. You may find it isn't what you're suited for.


Worst case, you run back to being a ranged fighter; but whatever works for you... works for you, just have fun with it.

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I know this isn't the advice you wanna hear but good luck. I have a sage I pvp with and I feel unstoppable and a marauder that I pvp with and to be honest I suck with the marauder. I really can't figure it out. If you really want a melee pvp class try a assassin. I know there are some out there who do just fine with their marauders but when I am playing my sage I consider them easy pickens and tear em apart. All you need to do is knock em back and slow em and they are done.


When I do pvp with my marauder I pick my targets very selectively. No crowds unless you got a good healer. Try and pick off the guys standing back healing or sniping. I hope you figure it out

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Assassin/shadow's gain the benefits of being able to pick dps or tanking, with mass utility for both sides of the coin - I'd personally stack all in one way - I spec tank, I gear tank. Works for me.


I agree with this. Knight\Warrior classes, especially Sents\Marauders aren't the best for beginners. Assassin is generally a smoother, easier way to get into the melee playstyle.

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I agree with this. Knight\Warrior classes, especially Sents\Marauders aren't the best for beginners. Assassin is generally a smoother, easier way to get into the melee playstyle.


I found my Shadow much less smooth and much more difficult to play than my Guardian. It's subjective imho... but while the Guardian rotation feels smooth and natural, I often feel like I'm just a gimped Sage on my lowbie Shadow (lvl 28) as Project and Telekinetic Throw are still the hardest hitting abilities but only on a 10 m range, and beyond those I can spam Double Strike or use half my force for one Shadow Strike.


I don't know how Sentinels/Marauders "feel" though, that might be similarly difficult at low levels.

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Dunno.. Levelled my Guardian pre-buff. But I suspect not a lot has changed. Damage was awful, at least before 30s, survivability was subpar.


Assassin felt a lot better. I could solo heroic quests much more easily, I did a lot more damage.

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Some basic advice that I realized learning how to play a Sentinel(which is the Republic version of a Marauder)


1) Don't assume because you do badly at low level you will continue that way.Like all classes,you get more skills to use at higher levels that really give you the edge.


2) Don't open with Force Leap.Run straight into your target and start whacking,whenever possible.If your target tries to knockback,or snare you or stun you,you can use Force Leap then to get back in their face.If you opened with Force Leap,you couldn't do that.


3) Use slows.It's never the wrong move to slow your target,especially healers.Even if you don't kill them,by slowing them down you encourage every other melee guy on your group to jump on your target,because melee guys love hitting a target that can't run away.


4) Focus Fire.Find a target someone in your group is hitting and join in.


I'm sure there's a more in-depth Marauder playguide out there that can give you better advice,but this is a good start.

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