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Basic accuracy vs Special accuracy


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I've read the marauder posts and just want to double check my understanding of dps mechanics.


I want to push my special attack accuracy to 108% and basic accuracy to 100%


Right now I have 105.xx% basic accuracy which pushed my specials to 115% main hand damage.


I have been keeping my basic accuracy around 106% for the extra offhand damage, so my question is should I dump some of the accuracy enhancements out of my blackhole gear and add in more power or keep my basic where its at for the extra offhand accuracy which only comes to 82.4% on special attacks.

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basic accuracy only apply to assault, every other attack is considered "special"


From where you got this information?

Strongest attack like Ravage, Annihilate, Vicious Throw shows white dmg in game like Assault and other "autoattacks" of other classes. According to log they also miss a lot opposite to bleeds which don't miss at all.

I am just asking.. would like to see some reliable source if Marauder needs accuracy or not (like Sniper eg.).

Edited by BieKanWo
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Lets not call it basic accuracy, lets call it 'melee accuracy' and 'force accuracy'.


Melee accuracy works in conjunction with all 'white' damage attacks where force accuracy works for yellow attacks. Anything above 108 (melee accuracy) will start reducing/penetrating opponents melee defense rating. So basically if you are carnage/combat spec, yeah take some accuracy because most of our rotation is melee (white) attacks.


^ EDIT: This is all wrong


The only attack carnage uses often that's not a melee attack is Force Scream/Blade Storm. If you are Anniliation or Rage spec then accuracy really isn't necessary so feel free to just rip the accuracy mods out.


The thing I notice about carnage is it makes a great tankbuster while your fellow annihilation mara is harrassing the healer the tank is guarding. :D

Edited by Ridickilis
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Lets not call it basic accuracy, lets call it 'melee accuracy' and 'force accuracy'.


Melee accuracy works in conjunction with all 'white' damage attacks where force accuracy works for yellow attacks. Anything above 108 (melee accuracy) will start reducing/penetrating opponents melee defense rating. So basically if you are carnage/combat spec, yeah take some accuracy because most of our rotation is melee (white) attacks. The only attack carnage uses often that's not a melee attack is Force Scream/Blade Storm. If you are Anniliation or Rage spec then accuracy really isn't necessary so feel free to just rip the accuracy mods out.


The thing I notice about carnage is it makes a great tankbuster while your fellow annihilation mara is harrassing the healer the tank is guarding. :D


So as a Carnage maurader, I have 103% weapon and 111% special, I should get more?

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No you don't need more. Those attacks may be melee attacks, but they are "special" melee attacks (except assault) so it is the special percentage that applies. In fact, carnage marauders get an extra 3% accuracy from the narrowed hatred skill, so we need it even less than annihilation marauders. Endgame, even if you get rid of as much of it as possible, you will still be over the threshold.
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No you don't need more. Those attacks may be melee attacks, but they are "special" melee attacks (except assault) so it is the special percentage that applies. In fact, carnage marauders get an extra 3% accuracy from the narrowed hatred skill, so we need it even less than annihilation marauders. Endgame, even if you get rid of as much of it as possible, you will still be over the threshold.


thanks so much so its pretty much useless to me, i will try and get my accuracy down..anyone have a good post on where to get good mods/enhancements with power/surge ?

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there's a few around, there are a couple of other classes that have power/surge enhancements in columi and/or rakata gear, sometimes they drop in ops, Black Hole boots is another source. While surge is the best stat on enhancements after power, because of the diminishing returns on surge, it becomes less useful as it piles up. I would first prioritize getting deft mods (over deft mod "a"s) because the balance between strength and power is better--relatively big jump from a +61str/+11pwr rakata deft mod 25A to a +53str/+41pwr black hole or campaign deft mod 26.
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there's a few around, there are a couple of other classes that have power/surge enhancements in columi and/or rakata gear, sometimes they drop in ops, Black Hole boots is another source. While surge is the best stat on enhancements after power, because of the diminishing returns on surge, it becomes less useful as it piles up. I would first prioritize getting deft mods (over deft mod "a"s) because the balance between strength and power is better--relatively big jump from a +61str/+11pwr rakata deft mod 25A to a +53str/+41pwr black hole or campaign deft mod 26.


I see, and your saying the BH boots are the best source for those mods? So i gotta keep farming BH comms then basically and picking up the boots for the mod/enchancement

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on my server at least, BH mods and enhancements have already been re-engineered and can be bought on the GTN. Nobody's done a might 26 armoring yet but it is possible. The implants and earpieces can also be bought. The boots are the best black hole piece, followed by the legs.
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From where you got this information?

Strongest attack like Ravage, Annihilate, Vicious Throw shows white dmg in game like Assault and other "autoattacks" of other classes. According to log they also miss a lot opposite to bleeds which don't miss at all.

I am just asking.. would like to see some reliable source if Marauder needs accuracy or not (like Sniper eg.).


devs said so in beta... but hey if you think the devs are wrong go ahead and keep thinking it. Its a left over mechanic from when combat was built a different way.

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^After taking a closer look at my character sheet, yeah that is actually correct. The OP was also right to call it basic and special accuracy, I was having a n00b moment. Cut me some slack though this is the first out of six toons I actually bothered looking at the accuracy stats on my character. :p


With that in mind, would it be right by saying Ravage/Masterstrike is considered a basic attack? As would Zealous strike and force charge? Seems it would be any attack that doesn't cost force/rage and is a melee attack would be basic. All the rest of the melee attacks that do have a force cost are the 'special' one's? It can't be just assault, can it?


Don't know why I was thinking 108 was the penetration mark either, it's just 100 after that it cuts into defense. 105 is a hot number because everyone gets a basic +5 to defense. I still like having some decent accuaracy on combat/carnage builds though.

Edited by Ridickilis
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