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Vanguard tatics tree need a buff


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Okay. I know it won't help but let me try and explain to you how everything you just said is completely false.


Pyro/assault is the definition of mobile. They have melee dps on a ranged platform and don't you dare try and claim they're melee with only stockstrike/rocket punch being their only 4 meter ability. Yes it has the highest chance to proc HiB/RS but who cares, they can move in stockstrike and move out all while their target is snared by 50%.


Survivability? Really? This is the most asinine Assault/Pyro myth out there. They are no more fragile than any other dps (with the exception of muraders/sents.) They require just as much support as any other dps in the game and are actually one of the sturdier classes when they have it.


I never said assault/pyro needs their burst removed and I don't appreciate you implying that I did. They deserve a burst spec and that's okay. The problem is that they have WAY to much burst. When you they can pop a +25% crit chance ability and fire off an assault plastique, railshot, stockstrike, and another railshot all while their two dot's are ticking away for for 4.5k, 3k, 4.5k, and 4.5k hits all over the span of 3 global cooldowns you have a serious issue. Those numbers are not only realistic but very conservative estimates that don't consider the two dot's slowly burning away health at the same time.


Tactics is a very good spec. It brings a tremendous amount of utility, mobility, and survivability to the table as well as a large amount of sustained unmitigatible damage. Not only that, it is most importantly incredibly fun play.


So no, Tactics doesn't need a buff. Assault needs a nerf. If you're too blind to see that you're probably far to biased or incompetent to be taken seriously.


When i talk about mobility for me it is the ability to get out of a fight if needed or survive longer. With pyrotech that is not possible its either you kill or you die. Now i dont know where in my post you saw that i denied that pyros had huge burst cause i didnt . Pyros are great at 1vs1 big *********** deal they still drop like flies when there is another person involved. Pyros have no way to get out of a fight they have no mobility whatsoever. Other dps classes like you say have way more defensive cds. Agents got shield probe , evasion, vanish and purge for ops and knockbacks roots and cover( and other relative defenses that you get from it) for snipers. Consulars have force

speed, vanish for sins and buble for sages and purge. AND warriors have ward, enraged defense and barrier from juggs and the numerous defensive cds for maras. Now all what pyro *********** got is a *********** shield that has a whoopin 3 min cd. So if we follow your logic and nerf all they got ( which is their burst) and bring it up to par with other dps classes then there will be no point in playing pyro vangu/pt.

Edited by Percee
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When i talk about mobility for me it is the ability to get out of a fight if needed or survive longer. With pyrotech that is not possible its either you kill or you die. Now i dont know where in my post you saw that i denied that pyros had huge burst cause i didnt . Pyros are great at 1vs1 big *********** deal they still drop like flies when there is another person involved. Pyros have no way to get out of a fight they have no mobility whatsoever. Other dps classes like you say have way more defensive cds. Agents got shield probe , evasion, vanish and purge for ops and knockbacks roots and cover( and other relative defenses that you get from it) for snipers. Consulars have force

speed, vanish for sins and buble for sages and purge. AND warriors have ward, enraged defense and barrier from juggs and the numerous defensive cds for maras. Now all what pyro *********** got is a *********** shield that has a whoopin 3 min cd. So if we follow your logic and nerf all they got ( which is their burst) and bring it up to par with other dps classes then there will be no point in playing pyro vangu/pt.


I told you it wouldn't help to try and explain how things worked to you. Also, work on your reading comprehension buddy. It's an important skill.

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Okay. I know it won't help but let me try and explain to you how everything you just said is completely false.


Pyro/assault is the definition of mobile. They have melee dps on a ranged platform and don't you dare try and claim they're melee with only stockstrike/rocket punch being their only 4 meter ability. Yes it has the highest chance to proc HiB/RS but who cares, they can move in stockstrike and move out all while their target is snared by 50%.


Poor survivability? Really? This is the most asinine Assault/Pyro myth out there. They are no more fragile than any other dps (with the exception of muraders/sents.) They require just as much support as any other dps in the game and are actually one of the sturdier classes when they have it.


I never said assault/pyro needs their burst removed and I don't appreciate you implying that I did. They deserve a burst spec and that's okay. The problem is that they have WAY to much burst. When you they can pop a +25% crit chance ability and fire off an assault plastique, railshot, stockstrike, and another railshot all while their two dot's are ticking away for for 4.5k, 3k, 4.5k, and 4.5k hits all over the span of 3 global cooldowns you have a serious issue. Those numbers are not only realistic but very conservative estimates that don't consider the two dot's slowly burning away health at the same time.


Tactics is a very good spec for applying pressure to a team. It brings a tremendous amount of utility, mobility, and survivability to the table as well as a large amount of sustained unmitigatible damage. Not only that, it is most importantly incredibly fun play.


So no, Tactics doesn't need a buff. Assault needs a nerf. If you're too blind to see that you're probably far to biased or incompetent to be taken seriously.

My reading skills are just fine.

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Tactics is near perfect as is. One of the most well balanced specs in the game. No it's not as powerful as Assault, but that's because assault is insanely OP.


But assault vanguards and pyrotech powertechs inform me that it's perfectly balanced,

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But assault vanguards and pyrotech powertechs inform me that it's perfectly balanced,


I think that Pyro is balanced, but I could come up with creative ways of toning the build down without destroing the class like reducing the crit bonus damage to certain abilities and lowering the amount of abilities that get this bonus whatsoever.

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