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help with healer merc


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I really cant find my edge in pvp as a healer merc. I really dont know what to do, im only level 20 and im having a hard time figuring out how to maximise my healing as well as trying to do some dmg to win a fight.


It seems when i heal im spamming our big heal alot and 25 heat gets me full on heat fast. The smaller heal on a timer to me is only useful while supercharged gas cyclinder is used. And im not really using kolto missle as much since it heals so little at my level.


Im not really sure what attacks to be using as well. So far i have been using unload, and that sticky missle, and alot of rapid shots that really dont do so much dmg. I try to use power shot when i can but its 2 sec cast time and being pushed back when using it is kinda frustrating.


Can someone give me some pointers on what skills i should be cycling and what im doing wrong?



In a nutshell im getting to much heat while healing, dont really know what and when to use supercharged gas cylinder, and what attacks to use while fighting.



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First off, you're a healer, you shouldn't even be worrying about how much damage you are doing. As a healer the only time I even think about doing damage is to prevent someone from capping something, such as a turret or door, or when one of the opposing players is close to death and none of my fellow players are in danger of dying. Otherwise, it's heal, heal, and more healing.


You are correct in stating that at lvl 20 you aren't going to be outputting a lot of healing. Kolto Missile is going to be your bread and butter later on when you get the residue portion of it, so get used to using it, otherwise learn to develop a rotation that works for you. If you are not already using the Combat Support Cylinder, switch to it. Shooting your teammates is a great way to top off thier health, not to mention maybe getting out some pent up frustration. Dropping a Rapid Scan, followed by shooting your teammate once or twice in a row, then follow up with a Healing Scan works fairly well. You'll still be building up heat, but not as quickly.


Hope this helps a little.

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To add to what BlyndFayth said, and it's all good advice - keep in mind that you are only level 20 and as such don't have access to all of your skills or all of your talents. Healing (efficiency and efficacy) will get better as you level up.


At your level, CSC and Rapid Shots are going to be important to keep heals up and manage heat. Later on, when heat management is easier, you can drop that out (in PvP) since your heals will do better HPH. Not to mention that RS with CSC is the green laser of "I'm a healer, come kill me" in PvP. I try to never, or rarely, use RS in PvP.

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Yeah mercs can be very powerful pvp healers but I've not seen anyone that can do both dps and healing on a merc. I"ve seen a really good healer merc (actually it was a commando) still be very effective doing other things besides healing but dps wasn't one of them. Basically you use the same tips that pve healers have posted about and then practice keeping out of enemy LOS. You need to position your self in places that make you hard to target but still keep los on friendly targets. You should be moving and clicking friendly targets like a mad man and not worrying too much about enemy targets except when you throw a cc here and there. Sorcs are more built to heal dps, mercs are near impossible. Someone might be doing it... i just haven't seen it yet
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You get better heat management VS healing at lvl 40-45 tbh when u maxed out the healing tree + the 20% healing bonus on kolto missile from arsenal tree.


Healing scan will reduce rapid scan cost and you get a free heal, healing scan will also leave a HoT and kolto shell is one of your best healings tbh. mine does 450, if it crits it heals for 900..thats an easy 6k healing u get to help u maintain health on a player. (im an Ops healer tho)

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