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Allow Power Shot to apply Combustible gas cylinder.


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There can be no doubt that we certainly could use a mechanic similar to that of the powertech.

Its been suggested before that Missile Blast would replace incendiary missile as the spec point choice and make it so its balanced with fire blast but since its 30 meter range, the damage value should be balanced around that.


If it could also act as a replacement for powershot in regards to the PPA mechanic then we would finaly have a stable rotation that is neither cumbersome nor ineffective and it would make us able to compete on a satisfactory level in rated games. I only wish the devs could see reason and make these changes along with a proper interupt.


Almost every experienced pvper in this game, regardless of server agrees that merc dps is not a good choice in rated games. Or even normal games for that matter. Bioware/EA are perfectly aware of the communitys oppinion and yet do very little or even answer us wich is troublesome to say the least.

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