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needing help with a character storyline


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well ill put it plainly...i was listening to one of my favorite songs,"semi-automatic" by "deathstars"...and it gave me an awesome idea for a character rp



the idea i had for this character,was a sort of experimental cyborg if you will...using advanced technology to mimic force abilitys,a far flung effort of imperial research...


so then that leaves me at an impasse...what character class to use?...id prefer something with a noticeable accent,and something that uses alot of technology


i was thinking i could use the bounty hunter...but id need to find some sort of smooth-mask as soon as possible,something to hide her face as part of the developing storyline is that the armor is a sort of exo-enviromental suit,near impossible for her to survive outside of it


i suppose the imperial agent could in theory work well if i could find the right armor (by the way im hoping for a "white knight" sort of armor theme)...for the storyline,it will be thats she`s not necciscarily evil...but the nature of her construction is that she has to follow orders,and thus often ends up steeped in the darkside..this works whether she is republic or not,seeing as her being republic could be explained by the republic capturing an imperial research facility


i was thinking of a far flung possibility of using a trooper on the republic side...but ths character i had in mind really wasnt designed for laser artillery usage



so any advice on how to acheive my listed goals and which class to use?my game knowledge is far from complete so thats why im asking



welp,since apparently my posts go completely ignored in the roleplaying forum section,reposting here

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Well, I've played the agent a bit, and they have the accent part. Armor would be the challenge there since by "white knight" armor you are thinking of a more heavy look. This leaves you with the Bounty Hunter, maybe the Powertech advanced class. It's definitely a technology focus so that would fit.


My suggestion would be to try both up to level 10 and see which fits the mold better and keep going with that one. I think only through playing the character will you be able to see which matches the vision you have best.

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Well, I've played the agent a bit, and they have the accent part. Armor would be the challenge there since by "white knight" armor you are thinking of a more heavy look. This leaves you with the Bounty Hunter, maybe the Powertech advanced class. It's definitely a technology focus so that would fit.


My suggestion would be to try both up to level 10 and see which fits the mold better and keep going with that one. I think only through playing the character will you be able to see which matches the vision you have best.



just what i needed,thanks


whisker faced jedi to the rescue again :D

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been thinking about it for awhile now,how about a cyborg..created (or modded if you will),to hunt down jedi,but made in such a way as to mimic force abilitys with technology in order to more effectively hunt,very similar to the terentatek in kotor (though obviously no cyborg were in those beasts,they were artificially created by the sith to hunt down jedi)



also i could see about getting relics for her,to perhaps validate another idea for this character,that she had dark relics built into her structure,with no real knowledge of it...like perhaps they tryed before but failed...and with pressure coming on the scientists to make progress or perish,an enterprising ,yet low rank sith overseeing the research,decided to use relics to boost the cyborg`s power

Edited by Baphomet_x
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and also one other potent thing to support my idea...its solid in the lore yet a wee bit out of this game`s time period...


darth vader of course :D he was mostly machine....yet still had force power,,,and the machine parts boosted his strength to inhuman levels...


so im thinking if the empire is willingly to do something like that to save a force user....it isnt too far fetched they would do the same more or less to make a being more capable of hunting jedi

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