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BH Healing doesn't seem broken.


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I play a merc healer and currently my guild and i are doing NM KP and SM EC and i don't understand how merc healing is broken. Seems fine to me.


I'll tell you a secret: it's not.


Two mercs healing MAY be a problem. Solo healing as a merc does get hard. But overall it's fine.

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Problem i have with merc heals is that i feel and fear that i cant burst as well as i may need to without screwing my heat, and making it where i will have problems shortly after the burst. Also there is the problem maintaining burst as well, i just cant do it on a merc, but have no problems with it on my OP.


Main fight i would fear as a merc healer is HM Kephess, mainly when Kephess jumps down and starts beating the crap out of the tanks.

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I don't think its broken at all. I have no problem healing HM fps and in raids. I think maybe I'd give some thought to using the BH healer for main tank and let a healer with better AOE and burst heals handle the raid as a whole, but thats just group / leader dynamic.
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I've had a merc healer since pre-launch. Leveled as healer and have healed all content be it FPs or operations.


Pre 1.2, merc healers were much easier to play, better heat management, more dynamic, more mobile. I enjoyed both PVE and PVP, having no problem even healing the hardest content. When my guild first downed bonethrasher, I soloed healed the group from 50% cos our sorc healer was dead.


After 1.2, heat became a huge issue, kolto shell is no longer free to cast. Kolto missile can now hit 4 people, but kolto residue is down to 3% bonus healing. Popping supercharged gas only vents 8 heat instead of 16 and the shield it places reduces damage only by 5%.


Sure, all these changes don't seem like much. I struggled with heat management issues for the first couple of weeks and then found a suitable middle ground. Use vent heat more, make use of power surge and thermal sensor override more, messed around with my gear to add more power/surge. Now my crits are hitting about 6k heals so I heal more per heal, but cast abilities less often. Its definitely a boring style of play compared to 1.2 as there is less room for error, very strict rotations etc, but its still doable. While I used to be able to free style heal the whole raid, I'm pretty much stuck as the tank healer now.


So no, mercenary healing is not broken. However, I believe out of the 3 healer classes, it is now the hardest to play and its not likely that you would bring 2 merc healers into an 8 man raid, esp for progression content. Merc healers have generally been pigeon holed into being single target healers and that's the unfortunate point.


I do hope to see some buff in the future to bring us back in line with sorcs and operatives.

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My merc is the only healing I have done in this game so I can't compare to the other healers. I have done nothing but solo queing and I have not been 50 for long so I am still in mostly recruit gear. I have been doing a fair job keeping my team healed up. I do have trouble with heat a lot though. In PvP you never know when you will have to do some burst healing so heat can be a pain in those situations.


I am really enjoying the class though and I am happy to be playing a healer.

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Problem i have with merc heals is that i feel and fear that i cant burst as well as i may need to without screwing my heat, and making it where i will have problems shortly after the burst. Also there is the problem maintaining burst as well, i just cant do it on a merc, but have no problems with it on my OP.


Main fight i would fear as a merc healer is HM Kephess, mainly when Kephess jumps down and starts beating the crap out of the tanks.


Personally I think BHs were made to heal Kephess. That situation is where we shine. The trick is having the tanks call out right when they tuant so you can instantly switch to that target. (Precast your heals in anticipation of the dmg that is incomming. You can always cancel your cast if need to) Let the lesser healers who can't burst heal up the tank not tanking currently and also cover the dot. Then really it's only sins you have to worry about since they will get the **** smacked out of them regardless of gear level.


I will say it's pretty gear dependant. When you get enough power/crit/surge pretty much every fight in the game becomes pretty easy to heal.

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