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Two important group finder problems


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I am having this problem where on the group finder, I queue for 2 flashpoints. Sure enough, I find a group, but I have no idea what I matched for. I just want to suggest that you guys add something that maybe says "Group matched for Colicoid War Games" instead of just "Group Matched" or whatever it says.


Also, I've noticed that in every single group I match for, it has one healer, 2 DPS, and a tank. There are in fact, certain FPs that do not require a healer or a tank. Especially at low levels. Hammer Station and Esseles do not need tanks if everyone is the same level. There isn't a lot of room at that level to stack the skills necessary to have more survivability than anyone else. This also causes a lot of queues to take forever to match for something. In an Esseles queue, I spent more than 2 hours waiting for it to fill up the group with the RIGHT combination of roles. This doesn't help at all, as now that it's there people think that is license to complain whenever someone advertise their still empty group in the general chat.


Sorry for the wall of text but please consider fixing these issues.

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I would like it to send you back to where you were when you queued.. It is kinda frustrating to que for something.. Do the flash point then just exit the flashpoint and be on the fleet and not where I was..


Please send be back to where I was.. This is mostly for low levels..

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