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Who are you trying to attract?


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I don't understand what you've done in this patch..


First off, why are my 3 campaign relics (that I took weeks to get) now useless? One can simply purchase a recruit relic. Not to meantion easily get 2 BH and Even 2 warhero relics in ONE day.,..


I have been dedicated to this game since day ONE yet me and my more serious kind continuously get the shaft =/


Why does the group finder teleport you... (Group finder in general is bleh, ESP when I am FORCED to use it for BH coms.. I never had trouble finding groups) One of the biggest aspects of MMORPGS is travel, getting lost, needing someone to show you to a FP etc etc.. Sigh..


There are many, many other things however I am incredibly upset, I will just leave it at that.. You have ruined a very nice thing you had going.

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The nice thing they had going was an extremely small minority of players cheerfully slaving away to obtain game fundamentals.


I can't argue with you, it's clear that your opinion is set, but I would say (as someone who *prefers* to earn his rewards) that BW is doing what they can to tread the line between very unreasonable extremes. There are many who feel that every reward in the game should be attainable simply by logging in. There are some who believe that nobody should ever be allowed to ever obtain rewards as nice as the ones they once got from the grand old days.


Instead, BW is aiming to make it easier to get together, get minimally decently geared, and get playing.

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a majority of people i have talked to are very pleased with the update. but as the previous poster stated bioware is making it easier to get beginning end game gear. you still have to work for the best stuff.


to answer your question as who are they trying to attract. it would be better phrased as who are they trying to retain. most of the self proclaimed hard core raiders and pvpers have left. those people will never be happy with any new mmo releases now days as their content and class adjustments are not fine tuned enough for them. no new release mmo will ever be so obviously it is a waste to try. the average person wants to log on, do some content and see some sort of progression to a goal of getting a new piece of gear. it shouldn't take 10 weeks or a month to get one piece of gear. if so average joe will leave much like they did with rift.


what you are coming across as i have gotten my stuff the long hard way, now it was nerfed and is easier to get please go back and make everyone suffer like i did. this is a very elitist attitude. many of us who has multi 50s trying to gear up are finding it more enjoyable now to play the game. if you don't find this game enjoyable then move on. it is that simple.

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The nice thing they had going was an extremely small minority of players cheerfully slaving away to obtain game fundamentals.


I can't argue with you, it's clear that your opinion is set, but I would say (as someone who *prefers* to earn his rewards) that BW is doing what they can to tread the line between very unreasonable extremes. There are many who feel that every reward in the game should be attainable simply by logging in. There are some who believe that nobody should ever be allowed to ever obtain rewards as nice as the ones they once got from the grand old days.


Instead, BW is aiming to make it easier to get together, get minimally decently geared, and get playing.


Small minority eh ? ok.. you keep telling yourself that ^^


I understand the OP, as I was also here from day 1 too, most of those guys already left by now.. so, hey that could be why you think were the small 'minority' I guess !

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