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Sorc/Sage heals need to be returned to pre 1.2, other heals need buffs


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Weakest definition of butthurt I've ever witnessed. Name calling and swearing just flips the accusation back in your face. Skip along back to 4chan young grasshopper.


Are you really waiting 30 pages into the thread to start trashing the OP? Read the posts made in the thread and u will see he has legitimate arguments on the majority of his posts

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2200 rated op healer and 2k sentinel here to tell you that you are all awful and this thread proves to bw that baddies will qq over anything. Do yourself a favor and accept that u r bad


Do you piss excellence ?

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2200 rated op healer and 2k sentinel here to tell you that you are all awful and this thread proves to bw that baddies will qq over anything. Do yourself a favor and accept that u r bad


-Plays only viable healing class for RWZ above 1200 teams

-Also plays a FoTM overpowered Sentinel class

-Throws out L2P comment



Me after reading that horrible post http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lme5rl5TA11qixrxn.jpg


baby steps.

I actually was going to say baby-steps would not work. But if baby steps were done before, the game would not be in this situation.


Are you really waiting 30 pages into the thread to start trashing the OP? Read the posts made in the thread and u will see he has legitimate arguments on the majority of his posts

I know right? There's just so much you can say to people who cannot put together a single structured post. Either they contradict themselves through the thread, or they try to come up with a "fix" where they ensure their broken overpowered class doesn't get deserved nerfs and doesn't really fix anything at all.


Luckily those types of posts are far and few between, but I expected them when I made this topic.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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2200 rated op healer and 2k sentinel here to tell you that you are all awful and this thread proves to bw that baddies will qq over anything. Do yourself a favor and accept that u r bad


I can definetly see you like to challenge yourself by playing weak classes.




That is all.

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A few things to note on;


1) Do halfof these people QQing over replies even play a sorc/sage, melee.. or the game? Or are they just casual players who still haven't unlocked their legacy....


2) 11,000+ Views and still nothing about Bioware?



No, only 2-3 of them are actually sages who are scared to admit. Meh, there once was a guy who was telling me how to play my healer and then he respec to Sorc healer. Question he asked me after just one day of playing is how the "F" do I survive. So, no, they are not healing Sorc/Sages.

I still think BW will look into this problem.


I don't think the OP has tried a ranked match. Not even versus a pug-composed premade. Or he was on that said premade.


You said it yourself: you THINK.

So, you want to say how PvP, that exist from the very first day, was being fixed and balanced for Ranked Warzones that came out few days ago? Don't fool yourself. It is just a pre-season.

Should this mean healing is balanced only when you have 7 people? What will happened then when 4vs4 comes out if only 6-7 players can help you survive?


2200 rated op healer and 2k sentinel here to tell you that you are all awful and this thread proves to bw that baddies will qq over anything. Do yourself a favor and accept that u r bad


....when people like this guy really think they made a point....

Maybe you are good that is why you play the most OP healer and DPS in the game. :cool:

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....when people like this guy really think they made a point....

Maybe you are good that is why you play the most OP healer and DPS in the game. :cool:


I wouldn't say that OP/Smugglers are OP healers, they are definitely the only ones strong enough (not just number-wise) to really compete at decent ratings at the moment unless your server is completely over-run by terrible players.


Sentinel on the other hand haha, that's a different story.

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2200 rated op healer and 2k sentinel here to tell you that you are all awful and this thread proves to bw that baddies will qq over anything. Do yourself a favor and accept that u r bad


General Consensus in thread: "Operatives are by far the best healers and sentinels are the most powerful DPS."


Motoeric: "You guys are all wrong for saying that, I dominate in pvp and I play an operative and sentinel."



You sure proved something there with your well thought out and unique observations and fact filled analysis of the conversation that absolutely did not completely reinforce what everyone has been saying. I would love to retort with my own facts and observations and comparisons to what you've brought up, but I am not sure I can manage a response that wouldn't pale in comparison to the life changing experience you have given me and others in this thread by sharing your wisdom.


I would like to thank you for giving us your insight into the matter.

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I wouldn't say that OP/Smugglers are OP healers, they are definitely the only ones strong enough (not just number-wise) to really compete at decent ratings at the moment unless your server is completely over-run by terrible players.


Sentinel on the other hand haha, that's a different story.


Yeah, you are right, they aren't OP as healers. Actually, I think they are just fine but way better, in my opinion, that Sorcers. I will go that far to say they can't even be used in the same sentence, so that is why I used 'op' term. My bad.:cool:

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My main is a sage and all I can say is that in the current state a good sage can not stalemate a decent dps for any reasonable length of time consistently. Dont get me wrong you will have moments of glory but in 10 matches you will be disposed of in less then 2 mins 9 of 10 times. Some may say that is fair but in theory a single DPS should not be able to kill me and I should not be able to kill him. Stale mate.


Many fights -


Get attacked. Do a slow and knockback. But you are slowed. So they can still beat on you becasue well my knockback is just plain pretty poor many times. Or they are immune to it. It happens. Force speed - decent players root you or stun you right then and there. Then they catch right back up to you and beat the tar out of you. Forget it if they have force leaps or pulls so they can get to you at a longer than you can punt or do a force speed away from them. So the idea that we have all these escape capabilities is crap against a good player.


Now you can spec up a dps tree and lose the group heal which helps some with a knockback that roots or bubble that incapacitates when it explodes. But hey if they stay with you for a minute they will ahve a full resolve bar and then you just visit the above process. A patient DPS will ahve you. Just a matter of time.


Good DPS - dont waste leaps for the initial attack or other items they need to counter our punts and escape items. Good players dont run directly from the main group. They will sandwhich a healer where he has to choose to engage 1 person or take a chance closer to the main group. Some classes can still come straight in if specced right as they have more ways to catch a healer.



What I want - Is a way to survive 1 on 1 for an indefinate time against a DPS if we both play our classes well. Not kite the dps and heal everyone else. I do not wish to be a "God". But I want to me more then a 30 second speed bump for a DPS. Dont give me the "your team should help you" that is bull it is 1 person. It should be a stalemate.

A healer is somewhat at a disadvantage in this process. Healer messes up he is dead. DPS Messes up he lives to re-engage and start the process again. So if 1 on 1 the healer has a slight advantage big whoop. If the DPS keeps him out of the fight he has done his job.



I dont need more mega heals. That would be OP. I need a mobile heal, a single person (not multi person) detaunt that could bring the damage down (Make it not stack within guard range once again I dont want to be God), or some other mechanism that puts me on par with any DPS. I need a Force regen that allows me to cast enough heals and escape tactics to last a full warzone 1 on 1 in a perfect fight. (Not all items just 1 that would allow me to live more and kite.)

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My main is a sage and all I can say is that in the current state a good sage can not stalemate a decent dps for any reasonable length of time consistently. Dont get me wrong you will have moments of glory but in 10 matches you will be disposed of in less then 2 mins 9 of 10 times. Some may say that is fair but in theory a single DPS should not be able to kill me and I should not be able to kill him. Stale mate.


I do not even think it takes 2 minutes most of the time. I can play flawlessly and if it's over a minute than I know I've done well.


It's also nice to see that I can do very well against most Force Melee users except they usually get my by throwing their Saber's through pillars and through LoS.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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I do not even think it takes 2 minutes most of the time. I can play flawlessly and if it's over a minute than I know I've done well.


It's also nice to see that I can do very well against most Force Melee users except they usually get my by throwing their Saber's through pillars and through LoS.


It seems like it's through pillars but notice the recepticle at your feet is rather large. That's the target that needs to be out of LOS. You need to not only break LOS with your toon but also break LOS to that huge circle at your feet. It sucks I know.. I've *****ed about it many times. On the bright side once you understand this you can use certain low seeming boxes as LOS breaking cover.. as long as they are wide enough and then jump heal a bit. Probobly a bigger advantage to healing Operatives if they can break distance.

Edited by LancelotOC
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Just curious, but would anyone be willing to trade Trance for a 1.5 second deliverance?


So we should give up our one crappy insant heal? To fix sorcs we don't need a healing numbers bump. We need a fix to our mechanic. If we are supposed to be kite healers and not turret healers, give us the tools to fill that role. It's just that simple. There is a reason 23/18 (or close to it) is the only viable healing spec. I've seen full 31 pt, heal sorcs/sages. If they are lucky, they get their puddle dropped on the ground and than die inside of it, due to having no way to escape the assist train.


We need a mechanic fix. Healing numbers in my opinion right now are okay. Later on we'll definetly have scaling issues, but for right now, we need some mechanic love from the devs.

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This is what I suggest needs to happen to increase survivability for sages/sorcs.


1. Put back in the old Resplendence system, instead of 100% chance to avoid a hit on health make it 75%. If after a while we determine that is too powerful still go down to 70%. So on and so forth until we find a proper balance.


2. Something has to give, not all of the significant heals should be channeled heals. 1 of the significant heals need to be instant. Whether it is Benevolence, or if you redesign restoration so that instead of 300-500 heal it does a 1500-2000 heal adding more force cost to it. You can also redesign Salvation so that it is instant cast but increasing the cooldown to the equivalent of the original cooldown+the cast time. If the salvation turns out to being too effective then you increase the cooldown even more until it is acceptable, but if you add time to the cooldown please do it in small increments until we find the balance.


This is all we need to do really. Redesign conveyance back to what it was, and make one of our channeled heals instant. It would greatly increase our survival.

Edited by bellok
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They wouldnt give us insta heals on Deliverance because then we'd be able to kill people too easy solo. So you'd get a new DPS class rather than a heal class. Maybe benevolence or uping the cleanse heal amount. What kind of hurts us is we have access to decent dps via hybrids.


It almost would have to be a fix with Salavation so it stays high on the heal tree. Every other heal is either baseline or is only as high as 21 points up leaving 20 points to scew dps. I guess it could be a new talent that made something instant with a trauma type dps debuff atached to it that would then make it unattractive to DPS sages/sorcs or even hybrids.


Thing is this is all about PVP balancing and boosting heals throws PVE healing balance out of wack.


It cant be an armor set bonus either as again, if it was too sweet, both dps sorcs/sages and even PVEers would sacrifice to get it.


No I think we're mostly screwed any way you slice it.

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They wouldnt give us insta heals on Deliverance because then we'd be able to kill people too easy solo. So you'd get a new DPS class rather than a heal class. Maybe benevolence or uping the cleanse heal amount. What kind of hurts us is we have access to decent dps via hybrids.


It almost would have to be a fix with Salavation so it stays high on the heal tree. Every other heal is either baseline or is only as high as 21 points up leaving 20 points to scew dps. I guess it could be a new talent that made something instant with a trauma type dps debuff atached to it that would then make it unattractive to DPS sages/sorcs or even hybrids.


Thing is this is all about PVP balancing and boosting heals throws PVE healing balance out of wack.


It cant be an armor set bonus either as again, if it was too sweet, both dps sorcs/sages and even PVEers would sacrifice to get it.


No I think we're mostly screwed any way you slice it.


Yeah our AoE heal should be in the very first tier of talents in the healing tree seeing as how terrible it is.

Edited by BurnsTwoThree
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So we should give up our one crappy insant heal? To fix sorcs we don't need a healing numbers bump. We need a fix to our mechanic. If we are supposed to be kite healers and not turret healers, give us the tools to fill that role. It's just that simple. There is a reason 23/18 (or close to it) is the only viable healing spec. I've seen full 31 pt, heal sorcs/sages. If they are lucky, they get their puddle dropped on the ground and than die inside of it, due to having no way to escape the assist train.


We need a mechanic fix. Healing numbers in my opinion right now are okay. Later on we'll definetly have scaling issues, but for right now, we need some mechanic love from the devs.


Didn't realize asking for an opinion would be taken so harshly

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Didn't realize asking for an opinion would be taken so harshly


I play a Sorc/Sage, I'm always on edge. Honestly though, I wasn't trying to be harsh. The players didn't break Sorc/Sage, the devs did. It's their job to fix us and other classes before more and more quit due to having no other option, aside from playing a Operative/Mara/Powetech.

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I play a Sorc/Sage, I'm always on edge. Honestly though, I wasn't trying to be harsh. The players didn't break Sorc/Sage, the devs did. It's their job to fix us and other classes before more and more quit due to having no other option, aside from playing a Operative/Mara/Powetech.


Completely understandable, I was just initially curious because I'm currently trying a retarded spec where I take mental alacrity over trance, just to see what happens

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I play a Sorc/Sage, I'm always on edge. Honestly though, I wasn't trying to be harsh. The players didn't break Sorc/Sage, the devs did. It's their job to fix us and other classes before more and more quit due to having no other option, aside from playing a Operative/Mara/Powetech.


Well, you cannot deny that our instant heal is a problem where our numbers are lacking. It ticks for 220 non crit and is on a decently long CD for such a small heal. It is so small right now that they could take it off the GCD and it would hardly benefit us because keeping it up would be a waste of Force.

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Well, you cannot deny that our instant heal is a problem where our numbers are lacking. It ticks for 220 non crit and is on a decently long CD for such a small heal. It is so small right now that they could take it off the GCD and it would hardly benefit us because keeping it up would be a waste of Force.


The initial heal isn't terrible. The HoT itself is. The CD as I'm sure you know, was a result of the mechanic they had us using pre 1.2. Resurgence/Trance was how we got to activate and choose what heal we used. I miss the days of a fast big heal or a high crit channel heal. Now it's just the channel heal, since Force isn't a issue in PvP.

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Actually that is a very good point. Our HoT is very weak if perhaps we could have Rejuvinate increased to 1500 for the initial heal along with the rest of the heal over time, and then increase the Restoration heal to 1500-2000 it would be a great start. Add to the mix and put them on a different GCD would improve our survivability a ton.
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