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Do you like the relic changes?


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I think overall the change is good. Increasing overall dps and not having to pop extra adrenals/relics sure makes life easier, but there are a few things I miss:


WIth each of the specs, I typically had a specific rotation involved with the adrenals and relics. With watchman, it was right before popping zen for the big crits. Focus, before hitting a bomb in a crowded area. Combat, after precision strike and zen. Overall, I think Combat took the biggest hit. While the PS is amazing off the GCD, i miss hitting three-six 4k BR crits + the ataru strikes in a few seconds.


More importantly, it saved me on numerous occasions after popping GBTF. Being able to hit like a truck while taking no damage was often the difference maker when guarding/attacking a node.


Anyone else going to miss the old relics?

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Like everyone I think the answer is yes and no.


Nothing was more frustrating then popping relic-adrenal and then being stunned, snared, or rooted while you watch much of that buff duration go auf weidersehen.


Also as a watchman sentinel while master strike and merciless obviously hit hard, I am generally about good steady damage with consistently rolling burns, so permanent uptime on the power boost is much more beneficial overall.


I could see someone in Combat or focus being less thrilled since they are both built around setting up burst such as precision--> master strike or smash bomb (yes I know it's sweep, but it just doesn't sound the same).


Also frees up three keybinds that no longer need to be accounted for which is nice, and has a far greater impact more burst-centric classes who are built around setting up certain big-ticket items (tanksin full harnessed darkness force lightning+ shock combo, Pyro PT, etc.)



That said, there are downsides as well. Being able to punch a zen--> overload-->merciless-->cauterize--> Master strike combo with a relic/adrenal combo up was just brutal, or even if your heavy hitters aren't off CD just getting the three overload burns + cauterize with a relic/adrenal combo on a healer then holding him with force stasis so he can't cleanse.



So it's a shame to lose certain tactical aspects to play, and helps those who didn't properly utilize those cooldowns before, but I think for most Watchmen Sentinels the good outweighs the bad.

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I like it. Saves me clicking buttons.


You really should try to keybind everything.


i miss getting 5k+ crits nearly every wz popping the expertise adrenal and active relic... however i find now i do more steady damage.


Another frustrating aspect is that the WZ adrenals no longer increase damage. :(

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You really should try to keybind everything.




Another frustrating aspect is that the WZ adrenals no longer increase damage. :(


Sorry I meant to say pressing buttons. Everything is keybinded. Except my relics now :)

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