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I miss restuss had a lot of fun there, both in large scale battles and 1 v 1 battles between the city/bases


I wont miss these warzones and ilum felt like a terrible version of restuss!


Got more world pvp running around SF on that game engaging the few others (minus spies lots of them sf lol) that would. Play on a pvp server on this game and its non existent


The fact that the pvp servers on this game have the lowest pop shows how much pvp has failed.

Edited by Simbr
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The argument that buffs in SWG made for a worse playing experience than SWTOR doesn't hold water, simply because your substitute for buffs in SWTOR is gear. It still boils down to boosting stats.


Macro-ing abilities isn't what dumbed down pvp in SWG ... whether you macro your "rotation" or quickly button press, a rotation is still a rotation, and to imply that a button presser using the same rotation as a macro'ed rotation has more "skill" is incorrect. However, assist macros, in my opinion, did affect the pvp aspect.


Improved class balance in SWTOR is not to be underestimated, though the lack of stuns and crowd control effects in SWG may be offset by the preponderance of DoTs and AoEs.


Warzones in SWTOR are better performance-wise (i.e. fps, lag) than Battlefields were in SWG. I find them more fun in SWTOR, to be honest.


PVP in space (or atmospheric flight) simply has no comparison in SWTOR. Space combat in general is lacking, imo. But that's a rant for another thread.


Open world pvp -- well, this is a tough area to compare. SWG didn't have the technical capacity for massive, epic, open world pvp in the later years ... just too much lag in restuss. And which open world pvp were you talking about? City invasions, restuss, static bases, player-owned bases pre-CU, player owned bases post NGE, player owned bases post Game Update 17.2, random pickup open world pvp? All of these had very unique advantages and disadvantages and you won't find many pvp'ers that liked all of them.

However, all these features did share one thing in common: tangible effects on the persistent game world. Whether it be the destruction of a rival guild's base, or holding a static base for so long that you earned Rally Banners, or the perks from GCW point accumulation via all forms of pvp, they all pale in comparison to the paucity of incentives associated with Ilum open world pvp (or the Smuggler's Den region on Tatooine for that matter).


If I had to answer what one thing could give the most bang for the buck in SWTOR pvp, I'd have to answer the tangible, competitive, long term goal effects of open world pvp. The guild pre-launch program with adversaries and allies gave me high hopes for the potential of open world pvp but this never panned out. It is possible that the lack of large-scale open worlds themselves makes open world pvp harder to implement, and there is no doubt that the themepark, linear nature of the SWTOR galaxy pretty much precludes large-scale open explorable worlds (tatooine being somewhat of an exception to this rule). Nevertheless, this is a problem they've known about since beta and it would be an important step towards enhancing the end-game experience for a sizable subset of the population.

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You can't really say "SWG PvP" because that's too broad of a topic. You'd need to narrow it by iteration. If SOE had fixed Pre-CU PvP, then it would be undeniably the most strategic PvP ever created. Yes, you could queue abilities, but it also required actual interaction and knowing how/when to move including positioning yourself in stances. Since SWG, "stances" are just buffs, not positioning. The combat system overall in Pre-CU (while buggy) was a perfect example of "easy to learn, hard to master". CU PvP was fun, but for a short time that I played (was moving/starting college at the time). NGE PvP was meh. Buffs and lag ruined it. It still had that Star Wars aura to it, which is why I subscribe to TOR. Edited by JekRendar
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Buff wars aside, SWG was the most enjoyable PVP. There were many scenarios and running around flagged for PvP actually meant you'd have a chance to find an enemy player also flagged for PvP (or a squad of them) and have some fun. Here, 90% of the time you're in an erea where it's all just your own faction, even on a PvP server, there's very limited PvP in general.


SWG had it all, guild wars, instanced PvP, open world PvP, PvP events in major cities that affected the whole galaxy, static city PvP in Restuss so if nothing else you could always go there and find someone (even if it was just a spy) to fight with. Although the balance was questionable and constantly changing, I think by the end of the game the PvP was the one thing they were really close to doing just right.


This game has a looooong way to go before it catches up to SWG in terms of PvP, and it has never felt like Star Wars.

Edited by bahdasz
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I think by the end of the game the PvP and space/atmospheric flight was the one thing they were really close to doing just right.


This game has a looooong way to go before it catches up to SWG in terms of PvP, and it has never felt like Star Wars.


Fixed in italics

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