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Arsenal or Pyrotech?


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Hi, I'm a reasonably casual player and im stuck on what to do with my BH Merc. Before 1.3 i had committed all my points to Arsenal tree but this patch has allowed me to rethink the build. Im predominately a PVE player so this seems like the right way to go but i dont want to gimp myself for future PVP. I generally only play with my friend and his Sith Juggernaut and we dont really struggle for heals with both companions. So is Arsenal really that vialble for PVP dmg (read a lot on the forums about Arsenal mercs sucking) or am i better with Pyrotech and will that be enough for PVE also? Or is a hybrid of the two viable?


Will appreciate any help/advice


Thanks :)

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I love Pyrotech here is my Armory build:




Please note I don't have all my +Aim augs in yet, but i do pretty good unless I'm focus fired. Just use the LOS and stay by the healer protecting them and your golden. Show your healer some love and they will keep you pumping out massive damage. With this build you are mobile, so don't just stand there unless there is something to hide behind.

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