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mailboxes not working


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When i first logged in I had a bunch of messages saying I had sold my items and would receive the payment in an hour. An hour later It shows I have 5 new messages at the top of the screen but when I check at the mailbox the inbox is empty. I find it odd that I was able to use the mailbox right after the patch went live but now they are not working. Others in game have mentioned the same thing.
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I have this same problem, over 1 million credits stuck in mail.

Just had 3 mail timers expire, 2 had credits in them and 1 bugged and gives nothing.


edit-- and again 3 timers expire but only 2 give credits

now I have almost 2 million stuck in the mail.


Here are some pics that show my problem.




as you can see i have 8 mails that haven't given me my creds.

Then to my horror the mails deleted themselves as you can see here.




Here I only have 5 mails, 3 of them went away but my credits stayed the same.




Finally we see more mails expire but some don't give the credits.


Now before you say that they are just mails you have taken the creds from but not deleted them, Mails from GTN sales automatically delete themselves when you take the attached creds.

Edited by Ryofo
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Something might be working. Your credits went up from 2.6 million to 3.2 million. Are you sure you're still missing credits?


The difference is shown from your first and second screen compared to the third.

Edited by Alienwarz
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As I said if you look at the first and second screenshots, 3 mails dissapeared but my credits stayed the same. But in the third more expired but only some had credits, which is shown in the 4th, where you have some with credits and some without.
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