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Ooof - taking me forever to write the sequel to Mandalorian Vacation!


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I know some of you have been waiting for the sequel to Of Blood and Honor - A Mandalorian Vacation.

I've been working on it as much as I can, though several setbacks and a terrible case of writer's block have caused it to take far longer than I thought it would.


In a way, I think it's the daunting task of actually writing a series, and trying to keep the follow-up stories up to the same caliber as the original - dealing with Jedi as villains, for example, is not an easy thing to do when they are normally cast as the heroes.


In a way, I suppose I am looking for a little bit of support from the community and my fellow writers, especially from those who read and enjoyed Mandalorian Vacation. In my quest to write good stories and stay away from the typical fan fiction stereotype (you know exactly what I'm talking about, people who write stories just as an excuse to act out sexy time and would probably be better served writing ((bad)) erotica), I find that I keep putting what I feel is enormous pressure on myself to churn out a masterpiece in 50 pages or less.


The struggle to keep Apoc and Torian true to form, to write out an action-adventure full of lasers, explosions, and lightsabers really has me floundering and just looking for a few "you can do eeeet" cheers, if anyone has any to give.

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