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Bring LFG to PvP


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Ranked Warzones are one thing, but the majority of players will not be participating in this new venture. It has been seen time and time again, that most players of SWTOR stick to themselves, or in small groups of 2-3 people.


When queing up for a warzone, I propose something similar to the LFG tool. Mandate at least two healers, one tank per warzone.


It is unfair for everyone, through the very OUTDATED RNG of pvp zones, to put people together without there being any consideration on the classes and specs that people are.


It's 2012 and it's time that our MMO's stop using lazy game design and offer everyone a better PvP experience.

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Whilst this makes a lot of sense for PVE, I don't think it would create a fair model in PVP for some players.


If you do queue in 1's, 2's etc then you are entitled to enter a WZ when it pops, despite what class you are. Your ability to enter the next available warzone, should not be dependant on whether or not, I want your class in my group. See what I am saying?


They would of been far better served, giving us the option to queue with 5's, 6's, 7's and 8's, giving you total control over what classes you take along, and above all, what players you choose to actually run a given WZ with. If we only have 6 people online within our guild at one moment, why should we have to take 4 randoms along, when we could get away with 2?


It would be nice to be able to avoid PUGs as much as possible, the random factor of who you get, now that servers have larger, more diverse populations, is making WZs a lottery.


I have no problems at all, with people queuing solo etc taking priority on WZ pops either.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Whilst this makes a lot of sense for PVE, I don't think it would create a fair model in PVP for some players.


If you do queue in 1's, 2's etc then you are entitled to enter a WZ when it pops, despite what class you are. Your ability to enter the next available warzone, should not be dependant on whether or not, I want your class in my group. See what I am saying?


They would of been far better served, giving us the option to queue with 5's, 6's, 7's and 8's, giving you total control over what classes you take along, and above all, what players you choose to actually run a given WZ with. If we only have 6 people online within our guild at one moment, why should we have to take 4 randoms along, when we could get away with 2?


It would be nice to be able to avoid PUGs as much as possible, the random factor of who you get, now that servers have larger, more diverse populations is making WZs a lottery.


I have no problems at all, with people queuing solo etc taking priority on WZ pops either.


I think it's more fair for a person, to que up for a warzone, at least knowing your team make-up has a fighting chance.


This would open the door to a whole new balanced PvP method as well. Right now PvP balance consists of what gets the dev's attention the most. They don't look at the bigger picture here, and that's fairness.


It's not fun to be in a warzone, and thanks to the outdated rng, you dont have a single healer, yet the other side, which was random as well, has three. That isn't "fair".


No one is stopping anyone from creating their own team. But a pre-made shouldn't just pick the best possible classes, just so they can face roll a pug. That isn't fair to the majority of players who play solo or with just another friend.


The game environment has to be fair for everyone, or it's not a real PvP experience. It's an outdate, RNG fest of luck.


EDIT: I do appreciate your constructive thoughts on this.

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The bottom line is this. In no way, shape or form, should I be able to dictate how fast a WZ pops for you. Unless I am paying more per month, we should all have the same opportunity to play.


If I don't want your class in my group, chances are, other people wont either, so why should you be the unlucky person, who rolled a class that in general people don't want, be punished by waiting longer?


What is wrong with letting us queue on groups of any size, so we can choose what classes to take, we might be left with 2, 3 spaces for randoms, but that's the position you are in if your guild has fewer than 8 online at any one time.


Let the solo queue people jump into the first avaiable spaces, or give them an option to choose whether to do that at least.

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The bottom line is this. In no way, shape or form, should I be able to dictate how fast a WZ pops for you. Unless I am paying more per month, we should all have the same opportunity to play.


If I don't want your class in my group, chances are, other people wont either, so why should you be the unlucky person, who rolled a class that in general people don't want, be punished by waiting longer?



1.) Everyone will have the same chances to play a Warzone. The SYSTEM, not the PLAYERS, will dictate that there are 3 saved slots. Two for healers, and one for a tank. That leaves 5 other slots to fill for anything.


2.) Players would not be making any decisions on NOT bringing someone because they think one class or spec is inferior to another.


3.) This is more fair for everyone who is paying the same money you are paying per month. So why should PUGS be punished and matched up with people who are coordinated by default and have a much greater chance of winning the game?


4.) Why should everyone be matched up through an outdated RNG PvP matchmaking process, where the game could be over before it even begins?


The end result is that PvP is more fair for everyone, not just Pre-mades or lucky people who win the RNG lottery.

Edited by tum_tum
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