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DPS help?


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I am a level 48 combat sentinel with mostly upper 40's custom gear but a few low 40s green and purples. I like to think I do pretty good DPS with a primary of 470-586 and secondary 149-223. This is my first character and I thought he was pretty good until a level 46 sentinel ran by me with at least 100 more primary dps with much better gear. Am I doing something wrong or am I just freaking out about nothing?
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Sub 50 all that really matters is if you dps is good enough to handle the content you are on, that said rather then basic stats on your gear and such easiest way to ramp up your firepower is to make sure you have an up-to-date hilt. By and large purple ones tend to be cost-prohibitive, but you should be able to find a couple of reasonabley priced blue hilts close to your level. Whether you get the guardian-centric ones (more end. less str) or the sentinel ones (more str. less end.) doesn't matter nearly as much as the item rating itself, which will be what directly impacts your weapon's damage numbers.
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