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Commando DPS and Ranked Warzones


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And all I'm saying is that it's not a matter of choosing to use them or not use them. It's a matter of finding literally anything better to do with your ammo, or trying to get off a Medical Probe or Advanced Medical Probe and failing. Being able to heal out of combat is not utility. It's a way to cheese an extra medal for yourself. The number of real combat situations where our heals will make any appreciable difference to the outcome is absolutely miniscule. This is not to say those situations do not exist, but they are so rare that in my opinion to continue to call them our "utility" is nothing but an insult when BW says that the reason we don't have something as basic as an interrupt is because we already have enough utility from our heals.


Right now I would trade my heals entirely in gunnery in exchange for Hold the Line.


This so much. Heals are not passive, and therefore are of very little use to DPS, unlike taunts, etc.

Edited by Chaoskyx
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Not only that but there are plenty of players who picked the Commando just to go for pure damage with a really big gun. When I made my Commando I had the mindset of "I will be able to put out as much damage as a part of the best dpser's around, either burst or sustained." I was not expecting this. Although PVE still works for me in most cases, pvp not so much anymore (I used to do it regularly earlier in the year). Edited by Luceon
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So, I did a few ranked PUGS yesterday/today.


The team yesterday was weak, and we were blown out. The team today was decent (IMO), but we lucked out with a couple weaker teams. 100-0 novarre coast, and 2-0 Huttball. In both wins/losses I led in damage and kills, and top 3 in medals.


In unranked today also got a few firsts: 2-3 400k+ games, and my first 5k hit. (I wonder if they tweaked something without telling us, feels like a major boost up in damage last few days). I've never had the 5k medal before, not even as my better geared sentinel.


So, I'm having fun in my commando for sure.

Edited by heechJunzi
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