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How would you grade each classes voice acting


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Also, Risha is on My Little Pony FiM apparently.


Risha == Tara Strong == Twilight Sparkle, so Risha did help save Equestria from Q.


However, I tend to hear her as Raven + 5 years or thereabouts, so I envision her spending much of her off-hours meditating, chanting "Azarath...Metrion...Zinthos..."


Gym "Hrm...Alternate casting: Risha as a Consular Sage..." Quirk

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My two favs are the Male IA and Male SW.


You know the Male SW acted as one of the main characters in a kids show on the Disney Channel? XD


If someone watched that show after playing SWTOR, I'd imagine all they'd hear would be "I WILL CRUSH YOU"


Also I gotta say the Male IA's American accent was astounding. I really loved that during the double agent missions.

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Just based off the ones I've played

Male Jedi Knight: 10/10 IMO one of the best VA's in the game, the voice sounds extremely calm and collected, and soothing to someone who plays a Male Inquisitor all the time, lol :D


Male Jedi Consular: 2/10 Sadly this voice doesn't fit to me, the voice sounds kind of constipated though it does have that "heroic" feeling to it, but the voice sadly does not fit with a Dark Side consular.


Female Smuggler: 8/10 Quite funny and just sounds like a smuggler


Male Trooper: 9/10 It does sound like a professional military person, only problem is that it seems to be targeted at a character who's slightly older, late 40's to early 50's


Male Smuggler: 7/10 I only played for a short time before deleting and making my smuggler a female, he sounds like an arrogant smuggler, probably better for dark side smugglers


Male Imperial Agent: 9/10 It sounds professional, and I like the voice during the Hutta class quest, only gripe is that it sounds like the guy was holding his nose shut during the takes


Female Imperial Agent: 9/10 same reasons as Male Agent, excluding the last portion


Male Sith Inquisitor: 10/10 The voice just fits perfectly, and makes you unable to resist playing dark side. I do get a sense of Palpatine when I play, and I play my character as an insane murderer. I especially like the romance lines with Ashara as well as the starting torture line "SCREAM WEAKING! I want to hear your suffering"


Male Sith Warrior: 10/10 The voice is perfect, and sounds very calm if you play as a Light Side Warrior. The voice definitely shines with the Vette romance as well as the Sand Demon part on Tatooine.

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I must be missing the boat on the Male Jedi Knight, as I'd rate it as a 4, tops. It lacks character, not enough timbre, and just generally comes off as supremely bland to me.


Male Sith Warrior, on the other hand, is an easy 10 out of 10. That guy manages to sound sophisticated, witty, brutal, and menacing...all at the same time, which is quite an accomplishment.


Male Bounty Hunter's a solid 9 out of 10. Appropriately gruff and militaristic.

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All males:


Jedi Consular: 6/10

I didn't like it at beginning, but after some time I got used to it. It fits patient-jedi-diplomat-boring guy. Still, I don't like how he says some lines, like "I'm goin to do some real damage" - it sounds unnatural.


Jedi Knight: 9/10

Very good. IMHO could use more voice scaling (or how is it called in english...).


Imperial Agent: 9,5/10

When I played him first time I was like "what the...?!", but when I got used I started to love it. VA did great job with all those pauses, tone changes. From all classes I played this one seems to have best details (VAs work, not voice). Not giving max coz of first couple of quests when I wasn't used to his voice ;)


Smuggler: 10/10

Can't say anything bad about him. I haven't finished CH2, so my opinion may not be complete.

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I love the sith inquisitor female voice. she sounds so sexy. i would say that she sounds very different from a slave, but she isn't anymore. She does play off the sith tpne very well, but i fell her voice is more suited to the dark side the farther you get into the game. I really do love her voice though. if she were my wife it would be a turn on. so i think I'll rate it a 9/10 because it works well for a sith, but it doesn't really deliver the fact that she used to be a slave
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*mind blown*


Tara Strong also played Bubbles on the Powerpuff Girls. And Dil on Rugrats. And Rikku from FFX. And Batgirl/Oracle on Batman Animated. And Harley Quinn in Arkham City. Also, she is gorgeous IRL. She's just generally amazing. So disappointed that she was "only" a companion and not a main character.

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Tara Strong also played Bubbles on the Powerpuff Girls. And Dil on Rugrats. And Rikku from FFX. And Batgirl/Oracle on Batman Animated. And Harley Quinn in Arkham City. Also, she is gorgeous IRL. She's just generally amazing. So disappointed that she was "only" a companion and not a main character.


Fem smuggler was phil and lil on rugrats :p

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the girl sith warrior voice kind of annoyed me like the line "There won't be a heart left beating."

if i was on the other end

i'd be like ummmm... ok how's your mental health? cause i think there's a problem


She's a Sith. Mental instability is par for the course.


For myself, I'm not going to rate all the voices because I just don't have enough experience with them. I want to mention just a few.


Sith Warrior (M) is spectacular. He's likely my favorite of all the character voices. I love his snark. I feel like I should gush more since I'm about to write a novel about why I do not like the next voice, but I'm just gonna leave it here. I love listening to the voice, he does a great job!


Bounty Hunter (M) is the opposite, for me. I can't stand it. Yes, the deep gravelly voice does fit the character very well, I just don't like it. I can't fault Bioware for going that direction and obviously many like it, but I'm the odd one out. Most of the problem is simply that I can't identify with the character's voice. I can with my other male characters, but not the BH. Interestingly, I think part of that is because I heard the male BH voice so many times while playing other characters (especially in Black Talon groups) that when I hear it I hear "other people." I've linked it so often with other players that it just can't be me.


On the other hand, I love the female BH! I think she's my second favorite voice after the male SW. She still feels very Bounty Hunter to me, but not overboard like the male voice feels. Plus, the female voice isn't "linked" to "other people" like the male one is. So big props to this one.

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JC Male is the worst, by far.


Trooper (Both) Good, Jennifer Hale!!


SI (Both) Fit perfectly.


SW (Both) Fit great, no complaints.


BH (Both) They both work great for the class.


Smuggler (Both) Fit great for what the class is.


JK (Both) Excellent job on these. Solid Snake as the male, ftw!

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I didn't exhaust all the combinations, so I still have a lot to explore. For some reason I was unaware that Jen Hale was female trooper, so I picked up male trooper :-( Not that I have that much complains about the voice actor, but man, Jen Hale...


I kind of enjoy the very unique tones the male Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter voice actors brought to the table. Same with the male Sith Inquisitor, it's indeed hard to stray away from dark side with him.


But the real reason of this post is to mentino not a class voice, but a NPC voice I find awesome: Fixer 66, imperial NPC from the Balmorra questline. Anyone else found him awesome?

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