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My tank and Me


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So I have seen a lot of people posting about tanks and how hard of a time they seem to be having. I want to give my input to you guys and update ya on what I have found out!


First off Here are my stats (PVP)

Aim 1736

End 1935

EXP 303

Damage 674-827

Accuracy 96.67

Crit 17.25


Health 22071

Armor 8469

Redux 52.95

Def 9.09

Shield 44.58

Absorb 48.50


Active Buffs, Rakata Aim Stim and Trooper Endurance buff (that is all)

My Skill Tree is 31/7/2 Noticeable Difference in my build is I do not have the Increase in Ioncell Damage Dot or Neural Overload (speed redux on Ion Cell) I have Armor Increase, Ion Pulse shield, aim increase. In the tactics tree I took 2 in damage reduction (straight stat) and did not take ion cell Dot INcrease. the 2 points in assault are SS Damage.


Average DPS on a 3rd Party DPS meter is 800+ on a stationary/semi stationary target


Why this build works for me:

-Tools at my Disposal

  • Harpoon Gun
    This weapon alone gives you an edge. Your goal is to pull the guy trying to smash your healer to bits. Many a times You can use this to pull someone down off a cliff and isolate him/her and go toe to toe. In PVE this is also a HIGH THREAT GENERATING ABILITY while it won't pull Karraga to you, you can most certainly open with it then use storm to push your threat gen to insane levels.
  • Storm
    High threat gen ability, this gets us where we need to go. You can respond to a push from a juggernaught by storming if he is slow on the key. you can go into the pit on huttball wait for respawn and jump up scoring in under 15 seconds. IT INTERUPTS CASTERS. If your interupt is on CD and they are about to cast (or are casting a long one) Back up instantly and mash your button to get storm off and Interupt again
  • Taunts
    Player damage reduction? Stop that marauder cold and give your healers a break with these. They do a little but go a long way.
  • Shield
    This is about timing folks. If you use your shield when you first run into battle your going to die. Its an easily visible, easily controllable move if you do it on your opponents terms.
  • Smoke Grenade
    A major counter to juggernaughts and other in your face classes. Chances are after reading this you will begin to get better. When you get better you get focused. When you get focused you need to flick everyone off with your smoke grenade and continue as normal!
  • Neural Surge
    Smoke grenades partner in crime. This soft stun Mauls Marauders, Stops Snipers, Shocks Sorcerers, and Knocks Juggernauts. In short this is your key in a tricky situation. If you need to stop an attack, get ganked from behind. This gives you enough time to haul out of there with a vent or pit, thus leaving them to choose to pursue or disengage.


Things You need to know as a tank

You are not here to Kill everything but you can, you do this by surviving. Understand a tanks role is normally pretty boring but this class is oversighted. and I believe is the most OP class in the game.


Your Enemy

The following situations will go toe to toe, beggining to end on how to fight different opponents including bosses!


The Marauder:

He leaps ->Activate sheild relic

He buffs and does his thing

Respond with a stock strike****not shield****a good marauder will wait till you pop shield to choke you or knock you down and wait to buff later.

Use Ion pulse to get your damage redux up(stacking with the shield relic) Pop your Crit ability and power adrenal.

Use Energy Blast early so the CD is up when you start to use more ammo.

When you see him use his buff (there is a visual) use cryo grenade, he will unlock it/ use neural surge.It is at this time with your defensive relics no longer active you activate your rakata stim, and adrenaline rush. This increases your ticks for AR. Use shield and keep ion Pulse Up. Stock strike every time/HIB the rest is pretty easy. When he uses his ability to reduce damage by 99% Use a sticky/ionpulse/pulse cannon/energy blast, anything that will not be affected by armor. Keep your dot on him. He will heal butrn down and Die.


The Sorcerer

If the sorcerer happens to be focusing on healing use your 5 interupts to your advantage!!!!!

1. Harpoon Interupt him, he will push you back

2. Storm Interupt Him, he will stun you

3. Break Stun (if needed) and Use your Interupt

4. He will run, useNeural Surge when you here his Force Runa ctivate.

5. He will be going crazy at this point, Use Cryo grenade.

6. Interupt is back up and Storm is back up Rinse and repeat from there (harpoon is unlikely to come back up)

In this midst of those use your attacks as you see fit, SS/HIB/Energy Blast Just watch your ammo and keep your eye on the prize.


Damage sorces run basicually the same way but you only need to interupt their lightning. otherwise respond to lightning with Full auto or mortar volley, channeled abilities will force them to move or respond. Generally open with Full auto and use mortarvolley if its interupted or they move.Save harpoon for if they run though.


The Operative

These are just a tank ans spank. Use your shield/AR/Rakata Stim combo mentioned earlier Stay mobile and pull/storm them like crazy. A operative that can't keep their footing is a dead operative.



These guys are currently a joke, again just a tank and spank.


The Bounty Hunter

Mirror: Hope to god your skills are more refined then theirs. Use your tools, remember to use only element attacks, respond to DFA with storm. and you will come out on top

DPS Mirror: Survive, the DPS vanguard/PT are based on non-elemental attacks. Your shields will keep you up through the worst, but use your AR early, you will be alive long enough for it to repop to use with the rakata stim.


Merc: Pull/storm interupt a merc just like you would a sorc, but keep your distance to about ion pulse range, they have to move in to rocket punch you or spam TM, just interupt it by popping in and out.



Tactics to pratice: Distance and Spacing. Work on being around 1-2 meters inside your Ion Pulse Range. This gives you an easy time to respond with SS when it pops for shields, kiting, neural surge and keeps the enemy on your turf. Don't let them get comfortable by staying still.

Watch for your CD's with a high shield chance you will get SS a lot, this will really come with practice though!


When opening for a boss Use your Harpoon Gun to keep threat if you get knocked back and Storm is down. ideally for opening on a boss do this

1. Harpoon

2. Storm

3. Neural Jolt (taunt)

You only need to use your AOE taunt if you loose agro for a split second, just keep using your jolt and you should be fine.


Respond with what you guys think! or if it helps you any!

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