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Blaster Rifles for Combat Medics


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So far i haven't seen a straight answer to this.


As a combat medic would i lose HPS if i switched to a blaster rifle from an assault cannon?


The reason i'm wondering about this is because of the max damage, i've read posts saying the damage also affects the healing, and others saying it doesn't. If someone can clear this up for me i'd be thankful. :)

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I use a rifle as a combat medic. CM's can use rifles just fine. There is no difference with healing with a rifle vs cannon. The only notable difference is you'll do slightly less damage and won't be able to use a few abillities. However, CM already do poor damage (imo) and it shouldn't be a problem. On a plus side, in pvp people will generally think your a vanguard, not a healer. In theory anyway.
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I've tried it a few times and all it effects is a few skills and some damage but if you are healing it shouldn't matter to begin with. I will say this though, if your team or the enemy realizes you are healing with a blaster rifle, be prepared to get trolled. It may not happen on your server but I've seen it happen on mine when I've done it. Granted If I wanted to play with a blaster rifle I'd have had rolled Vanguard.
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